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November 16th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 28!

Benjamin Franklin's kite! It can't be movie time again?!

So, like Aladdin furiously rubbing his magic golden lamp, let us be your over the top pantomime Genie and grant you wishes three, one of celluloid awesomeness, two of retro fantasticness and three of cinematic greatness.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Jumanji (1995) Comedy Central 5:50pm-8:00pm (2 hours 10 minutes)

A man who has been trapped inside a mysterious jungle board game for 26 years is eventually freed when two children start to play it. Unfortunately, he arrives with a rampaging horde of animals on his heels, leaving only one solution - to finish the game he started all those years ago. Fantasy adventure, starring Robin Williams, Kirsten Dunst and Bonnie Hunt.

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September 7th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 18!

Poseidon's Trident! It's been three weeks since my last confession, I mean Movie Rundown! First came the great flood and then I went on me holibobs for two weeks but you'll be glad to know all I did was laze about in my pants watching films ;-) You'll be less than thrilled to know that the movies I watched were the likes of “Mega Shark V's Giant Octopus” and “Two Headed Shark Attack" both brilliantly terrible films you're sure to agree so I watched them twice (totally deserve an Oscar!)

Also I'm to believe that someone else took over my duties as "Captain Film Dude" (official title - I have a badge and everything) and probably suggested you watched “Spiderman” and “Transformers” for three weeks! That menacing doppelganger must be stopped.

Never the less I'm back so that must mean it's the weekend Hooray! for us. So like the blistering hot sun showering us with rays of golden retro joyfulness as we stand buried waist deep in sand on a beautiful tropical beach let us be your bucket and spade and build you a nostalgic movie masterpiece.

Happy retro weekend folks :-)


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) ITV2 6:55pm-9:10pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

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June 8th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 7!

There are four good reasons to stay in this weekend and watch movies with us. The first being the cruddy weather, the second that the Jubilee is finally over and everyone should be all Queen’d out, the third is if you’re a football widow of the Euro 2012 action and the fourth being that there are some quite tasty films on! Below is a list of twelve flavoursome nostalgic treats to wrap your retro movie taste buds around. We hope you enjoy.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Hocus Pocus (1993) More4 12:10pm-2:00pm (1 hour 50 minutes)

A teenager in Salem, Massachusetts, breaks into a spooky house on Halloween and accidentally resurrects three witches who have been dead for 300 years. The sorceresses are soon causing chaos while seeking a suitable sacrifice for a ritual to give them eternal youth. However, an old foe - a boy they turned into a cat - is on hand to help stop their mischief. Supernatural Disney comedy, with Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy and Omri Katz.

Short Circuit (1986) Syfy 4:10pm-6:10pm (2 hours)

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April 20th 2012

The weekly retro movie rundown!

Week 2 of the movie rundown and Friday seemed to have nothing on at all :-(

That said Saturday and Sunday make up for it with some proper corkers, I hope you agree. Read on for my rundown of the movies you just can't miss on the box this weekend.

Enjoy and have a happy retro weekend my fellow old school movie buffs!


Beetlejuice (1988) Channel 5 5:30pm-7:15pm

Recently deceased couple Adam and Barbara Maitland enlist the professional services of a hard-boiled veteran ghost to scare away the obnoxious yuppie family who have moved into their former home. Tim Burton's supernatural comedy, starring Michael Keaton, Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin, Winona Ryder, Jeffrey Jones and Catherine O'Hara.

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