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August 12th 2016

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 208

Shake a stick and dance a jig! It's time for another retro movie weekend!

Like a well rehearsed and totally committed high board diver taking part in an international event (you choose), we find ourselves stepping up the long and nervous climb to reach our platform. Taking a moment to take in the scene, atmosphere and to gain composure, we'll steady our breathing before stepping towards the edge of the world. Counting down to the big moment, we'll coil like a spring ready to leap into action before springing into action for our moment of truth.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 13th August


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August 5th 2016

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 207

Sweet jumping jacks and pick-up-sticks! It's another retro movie weekend! All over again!

With another landscape of retro movie awesomeness stretching before us, we find ourselves at a loss of where to start! Will it be thriller? Will it be comedy? Only the overlord of the remote control can decide with their entrusted powers. Whatever the mighty one decides, with the huge array of choice and wonder available, we will be left wide-eyes and wanting more.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 6th August


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July 15th 2016

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 204

Pitch a tent and light a fire! Another retro movie weekend had arrived!

Finding juuuuust the right spot to set up base camp, we find ourselves thrown into the wilderness once again as we begin another weekend of outdoor adventure. Unfolding plastic sheets, thumping in (and inevitably bending) tent pegs, sourcing a water supply and of course....blowing up the air bed, we're all set for another adventure in the great British countryside. Will it rain? Will be blow away? Or perhaps will we just attract more bugs than a picnic in a busy swamp? Only time will tell.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 16th July


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July 4th 2016

Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie Review

If there's ever been an excuse to pop open the bolly, the triumphant return of our favourite gruesome twosome in Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie is it!

What's it all about, darling?

When the star-studded fashion show intro against the thumping beat of Jason Derulo's Get Ugly began, we already knew we were in for a treat! The film has all the partying, booze, crazy fashion, naughtiness and 'sweetie darlings' galore we all know and love from the TV series but now there's the Gen Y additions of DIY Botox and a social media whirlwind, with selfies and Tweets aplenty, which Eddie struggles to understand. ("Do you feed my Twitter?" she asks at one point, mystified!)

The ladies are just as ludicrous yet somehow lovable as back in the 90s - the first crisis of the film is "Where is the champagne?!" (nothing's changed!). Patsy is a fashion editor and Eddie has become something of a washed up PR. A book deal flop prompts even more of a crisis than usual from flappy Edina leading to *SPOILER ALERT!* (though we feel you may have had to be living under a rock not to know this) accidentally knocking Kate Moss into the Thames - as you do…

So what did TruffleShuffle think, sweeties?

We're pleased to report that the heavy-drinking dysfunctional duo are as amazing as ever, with most of the flick's laugh-out-loud moments coming from Eddie and Pats. Joanna Lumley is on top form as chain-smoking, incredibly selfish, platinum-doed bad influence Patsy. When the pair need to make a 'serious plan' to leave the country, it somehow results in drug and vodka-fuelled chaos with Patsy in the mix; she sells Saffy's daughter Lola as a cleaner in Cannes and poses as a man to inherit a rich woman's fortune courtesy of a dodgy looking stick-on moustache!

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June 3rd 2016

#Win One of Two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Goody Bags! #TMNT2

Cowabunga dudes! We've got yet another exciting giveaway for you lucky lot and we're more excited than Michelangelo at a pizza eating competition!

Celebrating the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows which is in Cinemas right now (Go see it folks!), we're offering you guys the chance to WIN not one, but TWO official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles goodie bundles!

So what's this new film all about? Well! After supervillain Shredder escapes custody, he joins forces with mad scientist Baxter Stockman and his two... ermm... dimwitted henchmen, Bebop and Rocksteady, to unleash a diabolical plan to take over the you do. As the Turtles prepare to take on Shredder and his new crew, they find themselves facing an even greater evil with similar intentions: the notorious Krang. Is it ever a dull day for the TMNTs?

Want to see for yourself? Check out the official trailer #2 for a slice of the action here...


The Prizes

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May 3rd 2016

Jungle Book (2016) - The Review

"The film that is the Jungle V.I.P."


Bill Murray, Neel Sethi, Ben Kingsley, Idris Elba, Lupita Nyong'o, Scarlett Johansson, Christopher Walken, Giancarlo Esposito


Jon Favreau


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