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August 26th 2014

We're Awash With Our Amazing New Range from Worn By!

The fun never stops here at Truffle Towers! If we're not busy finding tshirts on our shelves, packing them up with a tasty treat and sending them on their way to you lovely lot, we're searching high and low, ever on the hunt for even more retro t-shirt goodness. Well if someone has to do it right?!

It seems all our hard work has paid off yet again as we've just taken delivery of some simply amazing and as vintage as you like Worn By T-Shirts and Sweaters which come packed with style, music credentials and some have even been nicely finished off with their classic washed effect for a real vintage look and feel.

We love Worn By and we're sure you guys do to. Take a peep at our latest collection of band t-shirts as well as some cool nods to the TV great Will Smith and record label powerhouse Factory records. Enjoy!

Normski T-Shirt

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July 7th 2014

Guest Post: Now This is a Story All About How…to Ace the 90s Revival Look!

For some of us it doesn’t seem so long ago when Top of the Pops was overrun with Britpop bands, you had your hair cut like Rachel from Friends and Saturday night TV was about watching celebrities getting gunged. But believe it or not, enough time has passed for the 90s style to come swinging in with full neon glory back into fashion again.


As we all know with this decade, this is tricky territory, as a step too far can turn you into Edina from Ab Fab. So whether you were watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers or Men Behaving Badly at the time, here are some fashion icons of the era you should be taking notice of if you want to get the 90s revival look right. Enjoy!

Cher Horowitz

Starting with the ultimate 90s fashion icon, Cher from 90s smash hit Clueless. The most popular girl in Bronson Alcott High School, she had the lifestyle, the attitude and was always perfectly dressed for the occasion - with the help of some awesome virtual wardrobe software that I still to this day wish I had. This summer, if you’re going to rock the 90s revival look, channel Cher and go for cute matching two piece suits for the office and a strappy top worn over a t-shirt for the gym.


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June 27th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 105

Herman’s Hermits! It must be the weekend!

So under a rung of gently flickering fluorescent lights, inside a heaving family packed restaurant, at the back of a cue for an all you can eat buffet. Let us be your medically obese, adolescent male, adorned in button up stripy shirt and stretchy sweatpants as we prepare to load our plate with a heap of steaming retro movie magic. We'll pile on gallons of cinematic awesomeness before we wedge ourselves ever so uncomfortably into our seat and devour the celluloid wonder....Burp!!

Have a happy retro weekend!


The 'Burbs (1989) ITV4 12:25pm-2:25pm (2 hours)

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April 26th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 96

Jalapeño poppers! it looks like the Weekend!

So in a dimly lit office building. Sat with our feet up behind a desk stacked with papers of non descriptive relevance, let us be your trilby hatted, trench coat wearing private detective as we go on the snoop for retro movie greatness, we'll search for clues of cinematic magnificence. Before we catch the culprit red handed with celluloid wonder. Aha!

Have a happy retro Weekend!


Masters of the Universe (1987) Sky Movies Superheroes 6:00 pm-8:00 pm (2 hours)

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February 21st 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 88

Wizbits’ magic hat! Is it the Weekend!

So in a not too distant post apocalyptic Earth, let us be your marauding horde of flesh hungry zombies, clumsily ploughing through the debris of a broken and deserted city street. As we go moaningily looking with our good eye for retro movie mayhem, well hobble, limp and drag our half an eaten carcass for cinematic awesomeness before cornering and ripping apart the fresh plump flesh of celluloid wonder.

Gave a happy retro weekend!


A League of Their Own (1992) TCM 3:00pm-5:30pm (2 hours 30 minutes)

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September 10th 2013

Happy Birthday, Fresh Prince Turns 23!!

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Get your Fresh Prince of Bel-Air T-Shirts at the ready guys because today 23 years ago everyone's favourite street-smart teenager from Philadelphia hit TV screens in the US. Will Smiths adventures as the Fresh Prince saw him land on the doorstep of his respectable Californian family, the Banks'. The idea was to make Will respectable, responsible and mature, but he had other plans...

Back in May this year we posted about the Fresh Prince cast reuniting on the Graham Norton Show and Will Smith showed that he still knew the Fresh Prince rap all too well, so whether you're a big or small Fresh Prince fan you must know at least some of the opening credits rap! If you don't know any of it, where have you been? To jog your memory, check out the video below and if you want to join in I've provided lyrics too so you can impress your whole office with your rap skills.... ENJOY!!

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