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06-24 - Free Gift Wrap
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March 26th 2012 by Lucy

What’s new Trufflecats?

March has been a very special month, with lots of new brands and collections being launched on the site. Just as the sun is starting to show it's face and coming out from behind the clouds, we sure are ready to boost our tee collections in preparation for the Summer months!


Out Of Print

If you consider yourself a bookish type, avert your eyes from your gripping read and peer over your sexy specs at this fabulous new collection. Out of Print celebrates the world's great stories through fashion. Their tees feature iconic and often out of print book covers. Some are classics, some are just curious enough to make great t-shirts, but all are striking works of art! Featuring cult titles such as Pride And Prejudice, Catch 22, The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick and Wuthering Heights. In addition to spreading the joy of reading on their fab tees, Out Of Print acknowledge that many parts of the world don't have access to books at all, so for each product sold, one book is donated to a community in need through their partner Books For Africa. Such and delightful and heart warming mission and stunning tees too!



Turn on, jack in and rock out! This amazing collection of Shoulder Bags, Totes and wait for it... BUM BAGS all come with amplified speakers which connect to your smartphone or MP3 player, oh yeah, the party's in the bag! An excellent choice for heading to the beach, picnic-ing, camping and generally carrying about for those that cannot be without their music and want to enjoy it on the move or with friends! We couldn't resist giving these a go when they landed here at Truffle Towers and were hugely impressed with the sound quality and even more importantly, volume. Also, we are majorly excited about the return of the bum-bag this season, perfect for the 90's trend which is set to predominate this year.


Junk Food

We have stocked Junk food for a good few years now and have seen many a great collection come and go, however this latest offering from the hip LA brand really did hit the mark! Bang on trend for styling, shapes and graphics, Junk Food really is a guilty pleasure! With Minnie Mouse and Looney Tunes revitalised in retro 90's graphics on cropped tees and vests for the boys to show off the results of a spinach heavy diet, there really is something for everyone.


Keep those eyes peeled for even more exciting new brands and collections set to be launched every month.
