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March 15th 2013 by Aaron

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 45!

Alfonso Bonzo! it's only gone and become the Weekend!

As sure as the Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti, let us proudly be a parade of dignified Elephants Gallantly marching trunk to tail over the African planes as we search out for you nostalgic cinematic fun, retro movie awesomeness and cinematic celluloid greatness.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Private Benjamin (1980)Channel 5 4:05pm-6:10pm (2 hours 5 minutes)

A scatterbrained society woman looks for a change of pace after her husband dies on their wedding night, and is tricked by a duplicitous recruiter into enlisting in the army. In spite of the initial culture shock and conflict with her tough commanding officer, she gradually finds direction and self-esteem for the first time in her life. Comedy, starring Goldie Hawn, Armand Assante, Eileen Brennan, Harry Dean Stanton and Sam Wanamaker.

Teen Wolf(1985)5* 4:35pm-6:25pm (1 hour 50 minutes)

A teenage misfit is initially dismayed to learn he is a werewolf as a result of a hereditary curse. He finds there are advantages as he becomes a local celebrity, while his enhanced agility makes him the star player of his school's basketball team - but fame quickly goes to his head. Comedy, starring Michael J Fox, James Hampton and Susan Ursitti.

Men's Teen Wolf Fancy Dress Costume £47.99 (free P&P)

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)Film4 9:00pm-11:25pm (2 hours 25 minutes)

A fast-talking US Army disc jockey is sent to entertain the GIs in 1960s Saigon, but he enrages the military top brass by blasting the airwaves with his irreverent and controversial view of the conflict in South-East Asia. Comic drama, starring Robin Williams, Forest Whitaker and Bruno Kirby.

Total Recall (1990)ITV London 10:40pm-12:45am (2 hours 5 minutes)

A construction worker pays to have fake memories of a dream holiday implanted into his brain, but discovers his mind has already been tampered with - apparently to erase his true identity as a secret agent from a colony on Mars. He journeys to the planet in search of the truth, but is drawn into a conflict between the tyrannical ruler and a rebel faction. Paul Verhoeven's sci-fi thriller, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin and Michael.


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)Channel 5 6:15pm-8:00pm (1 hour 45 minutes)

The eccentric pet detective is coaxed out of self-imposed exile in a Buddhist monastery to visit Africa and help search for a sacred white bat. However, his unique investigative talents are tested to the limits as he faces a race against time to find the missing creature and prevent a tribal war. Comedy sequel, starring Jim Carrey, Simon Callow and Bob Gunton.

Transformers (2007)E4 8:00pm-10:50pm (2 hours 50 minutes)

Teenager Sam Witwicky is treated to his first car by his dad, but it turns out to be an alien scout with a life of its own. Before long, the vehicle embroils Sam in a long-running intergalactic war between two factions of giant shape-changing robots, which have come to Earth to find a mystical cube that grants infinite power to its possessor. Michael Bay's sci-fi action adventure, inspired by the toy franchise, with Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Jon Voight and John Turturro.

Ghost (1990)Film4 9:00pm-11:25pm (2 hours 25 minutes)

The spirit of a murdered executive tries to find a way to help his girlfriend bring his killer to justice and enlists the aid of a fraudulent medium - who is amazed and baffled when her psychic abilities turn out to be all too real. Romantic fantasy, starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Tom Goldwyn and an Oscar-winning Whoopi Goldberg.

Tremors (1989)ITV4 9:00pm-10:55pm (1 hour 55 minutes)

A dull American town in the middle of the desert is suddenly attacked by huge man-eating subterranean creatures. Luckily, two dimwitted but brave handymen step into the breach to lead a ragtag bunch of locals and a mismatched pair of survivalists in the battle against the gruesome worm-like monsters. Comedy horror, with Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward, Finn Carter, Michael Gross, Reba McEntire and Bobby Jacoby.

Ringadingdong! Bonus movie clip time, just a little taster for the weekend enjoy.

Whatever you get up to this weekend remember to always wash behind your ears, stay safe and enjoy yourselves.

Night night