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March 25th 2014 by Claire

Truly outrageous news.... There's a Jem And The Holograms movie on the way! #jemthemovie

All of glitter and gold filled dreams just came true!

We'd been given a nod by our friends at Hasbro that some BIG Jem news was on the way and here it is....

Justin Bieber's manager Scooter Braun, G.I. Joe: Retaliation director Jon M. Chu and Paranormal Activity producer Jason Blum announced via YouTube that they're working on modern day, live action reinvention of the 1980s Hasbro classic....

For the film, the trio are aiming to crowd-source crucial elements from casting to costume design. 'It's sort of like Kickstarter,' says Mr Chu, 'but instead of asking for your money, we're asking for your creativity.'

Fans can upload videos and photos to YouTube or Tumblr explaining what they love best about the original Jem with the hashtag #JemTheMovie.

PLUS They're put out an open casting call, asking people who can sing, dance and act to upload a two-minute video showcasing their talents for a chance to be involved.

We'll be donning our Jem T-Shirts and giving it our best shot!!

More 'assignments' will be revealed in coming weeks, with producers keeping fans up to date via the film's website

Can't flipping wait......

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