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November 21st 2016 by Claire

Rainbow Brite #Competition Winner Announced!

Our fabulous Rainbow Brite themed giveaway is now sadly over which means it's time to announce the lucky winner of our fabulous bundle of star sprinkled goodies! We love this part.

A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to enter - we had a huge response which just goes to show how much love there is for the fabulous Hallmark character whose mission is to use the colours of the Rainbow to bring colour and happiness to people everywhere!

The Prizes

So just a reminder of what was up for grabs - as well as fabulous bundle below kindly donated by the lovely people at Hallmark - the creators of all things Brite and beautiful..............

Our lucky winner will also receive a £50 voucher to spend on our exclusive Rainbow Brite range at Sneak peek of some of our favourite styles below for you.....

How our lucky winners are chosen….

Our competition was run through Gleam who have collected all the various entries and added them into a big competition hat of sorts. Their nifty system then picks out a winner completely at random!

And..... drum roll please! The results are in!

Huuuuge congratulations to…..

Terri Jenner

We'll be in touch shortly to arrange delivery of your fabulous prizes.

Not a winner? Don’t worry! We still have a simply massive range of official and exclusive Rainbow Brite gifts and goodies so please do come check them out here! 100% official and exclusive to, they're the perfect way for all us Rainbow Brite fans to add a little sparkle to our lives!

Big thank you again to everyone who entered. Don’t forget to stay tuned for plenty more exciting competitions to come!
