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July 19th 2023 by Iain

The Best Disney Sidekicks As Voted By You!

All you Disney fans out there know that behind every great Disney hero - or villain - there is a great sidekick!

Often bringing us all the fun moments, classic quotes and belly laughs but also showing true companionship, bravery or even malice, for many Disney lovers, a good sidekick can often cement a lifelong love of the film.

But this left us wondering... just which sidekick is the best one of all?

Following some heated debate at TruffleShuffle HQ, we decided to throw this important question out on our Instagram Stories, and you came forth rallying your support behind your faves in your droves.

Creating a definitive list as voted by you, check out the results!

10. Lucifer

The conniving kitty of the Tremaine family in Cinderella, first into our chart is Lucifer who is not only cruel to our leading princess despite her kind nature but also to the mice, Jaq and Gus (more on those later!). Created by Ward Kimball, one of the film's animators, to provide a light subplot to the main story, and was inspired by his pet cat who had six toes. But whilst Lucifer may have devious ways, his size and heftiness mean he's often clumsy.

9. Thumper

Just one look at Thumper, the cute little lop-eared rabbit mentor to Bambi, is reason enough for him to earn a place on this list. Not only charming and cheeky, this bunny is also the little deer prince's biggest cheerleader in the film, seeing his potential to go onto great things, and thus taking him "under his wings" to show him the ways of the forest. Put simply, he's the sidekick we'd all want as a friend - loyal, patient, wise, and with a good sense of humour!

8. Pua

Staying on the cute theme, we have Moana's faithful pet pig Pua entering our top 10 next. Just one of two comic but cuddly sidekicks to the daughter of Chief Tui that makes it into your list of favourites, Pua not only loves her unconditionally, but he has a wide-eyed innocence and he cares a great deal for Moana's happiness and is a big supporter of her desire to sail the seas. Surely anyone who encourages you to follow your dreams is a good one to have around, right?

7. Flounder

We all have that one friend who comes along for the ride with us, even though they're a walking ball of nerves. For Ariel in The Little Mermaid, that's her closest fishy friend and confidante, Guppy Number 35 - aka Flounder! Incredibly protective of Ariel and wary of her desire to explore the human world, along with Sebastian the crab, he acts as her guardian to watch out for trouble. Despite his anxious disposition, he'll always stand up for her when it's needed.

6. Jaq and Gus

Another Cinderella pick next. With one providing the quick witted brains and courageous spirit (Jaq), and the other providing a slow temperament and an easy appetite (Gus), they're the only double act on our list, but who could resist one over the other of these faithful friends and assistants to "Cinderelly"?

5. Hei Hei

The textbook definition of a village idiot, Hei Hei the rooster was Motunui's idiot in Moana. Although he was initially planned to have a different role altogether, as the cantankerous cockerel companion of Chief Tui, before the writers decided to turn him into - in their words - the "stupidest character in the history of Disney animation".

4. Meeko

As Cookie Monster is to cookies, so too is Meeko to John Smith's biscuits! Pocahontas' beloved raccoon friend with a big appetite can always be relied upon to keep a plentiful supply of snacks stashed (because if in doubt, carbs are the answer). But as well as being handy in a food-related emergency, he is also shown to be a trusting confidante to Pocahontas and proves a key figure in her uniting with John Thomas and ultimately breaking down the divisions between the natives and the settlers.

3. Mushu

Sassy, smooth-talking and flamboyant, there's no dragon that's quite so full of confidence in himself as Mushu, who was the faithful dragon companion of Mulan. After being demoted to incense burning and gong ringing, he helps Mulan in her quest to become a war hero - with his own desire to be recognised as a guardian once again.

2. Olaf

Just missing out on the top spot, who could resist a warm hug from Olaf the snowman! The snowy friend of Elsa, though he's made of frozen water, there's a heart of gold - and an almost slapstick-like ability to disassemble at awkward moments that means he's become a firm fan favourite for fans of one of Disney's modern classics, Frozen.

1. Pascal

But running away with the voting from the off was Pascal, the one true, colour-changing but trusted friend of Rapunzel in Tangled. This little chameleon is, as seen in the film, her biggest motivator in getting her to leave the lonely tower that she is locked away in. And as also seen in the dramatic battle at the film's end against Gothel, he shows no remorse whatsoever to those who try to harm the princess in any way, shape or form. Showing that level of support, is it any wonder he's a true favourite Disney sidekick?

But as we've seen from your choices in this list, in whatever form they take, a good Disney sidekick definitely shows loyalty, and encouragement, and brings light to shade - whether that's comedic or otherwise - to all good Disney films.

You can show off your love of your favourite Disney characters with total pride through our ever-growing collection of official Disney gifts, clothes, Disney Loungefly backpacks and merch that are available now.

Missed out having your say? Make sure you follow us on our social media channels on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to have your say on future fan polls!