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Posts  >  Tag: DeLorean

January 28th 2016

Great Scott! The Iconic DeLorean Is Back!

Stop the press! We've just had some amazing news come though TruffleTowers which we are crying to share!

The super iconic car which was of course made famous in 80s cult classic Back To The Future will be getting a new lease of life as they are set to go into production once again for the first time in around a whopping 33 years. - feeling old now.

Following some recent changes to US law surrounding small scale car production, DeLorean Motor Company which now operates in Texas can now successfully switch from previously just restoring old models, to building this retro classic from new once again!

From our sources we can reveal that there are as of yet no plans to change the overall appearance which is SUUUUCH great news. Hopefully though their will perhaps fit it with some extra mod cons like air con and a flux capacitor or two. Is that really too much to ask now?

So all you Back To The Future fans! If you see one of these beauties parked up on your street sometime in 2017, either Marty is off on another adventure, or you have one of the coolest neighbours ever.

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April 1st 2015

Great Scott! TruffleShuffle Now Offering Yesterday Delivery!

We now offer... Yesterday Delivery


You heard it right folks! Like something straight out of a sci-fi film, we’ve only gone and changed the game of online shopping forever with our latest venture into the most modern use of iconic retro technology ever!

Thanks to a recently acquired new fleet of DeLorean DMC-12's, made famous by the iconic Back To The Future films, from April 1st, customers can order as late as noon for delivery.... yesterday.

So how does it work? Using Doc Brown’s tried and tested technology, we’re cranking our service up to 1.21 gigawatts and are firing up the flux-capacitors once more to send our trusty new delivery vehicles down the road and straight back in time right to your front door. Simple as that!

This world first delivery option will cost just £88 and will come with our money back guarantee, meaning if we run OUTATIME you’re not left out of pocket.

So what are you waiting for?! Dress your yester-self in some top retro goodies TODAY!

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July 3rd 2014

Whoa! Wait a minute, Doc.... Back To The Future Turns 29 Today?!

Well! If our calculations are correct, this 80s hit and one of the most loved and infamous flicks ever will hit a cool 29 years old just don't we all feel old! eeeeek


Taking the world by storm today (in the US of A) back in 1985, this true 80s icon has become far more than just a film, it has become a movie empire sparking a whole generation of movie lovers to fall in love with McFly, the Doc and of course...the beloved DeLorean!


Marking an anniversary with BTTF is a tricky one. There has been a number of hoaxes over the years with dates changed and what not, but sadly the first date they travel to still hasn't happened but it's not far away!

With sooo many different dates being associated with these three films, we thought we would lay them out for all to see as well a remind ourselves of their travels and adventures along the way.

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April 28th 2014

TruffleShuffle Insider: Meet...Lucy

Hello Truffle fans!

Ever wondered who decides what we sell? Who crafts our designs? Or even who is the person behind the warehouse Superhero title? Well this is your chance!

Always looking for new and exciting ways to give you guys as much behind the scenes peaks as possible including our Instagram (@truffleshufflecom) piccys, we've decided to go a whole hop, skip and a jump further and start up a little series of blog posts that each month will focus on a different member of the TruffleShuffle team, letting you know what they do, what makes them tick and what they're loving right now!

Kicking things off in this the very first feature, we have Lucy......

What do you do here at Truffle Towers?

I'm  in charge of seeking out and getting our hands on all the retro goodies on the site! Also making sure we have plenty available for you lovely peeps to snap up.

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April 22nd 2014

Inspired by Darren Rawlins, Our Favourite Retro Cars Transformed!

Howdy TruffleShufflers! This week we found a cracking little Tumblr page from the very talented Darren Rawlins. He’s done a series of cartoons that takes the cars from some iconic retro shows and imagines what they’d look like as TRANSFORMERS!

Have a look at his work here.... whilst we run down our Top 5 Transformers from Retro Shows Inspired by Darren Rawlins!


1) First up, it’s a TruffleShuffle favourite, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ Party Wagon! Built by Donatello, this awesome van came with all kinds of handy accessories, including missiles, breakaway doors, a radio broadcaster and parts of it could even be used as a ramp to get the Turtles out of trouble! We think the Transformer version would be pretty badass, especially if it had a few karate lessons from Splinter!

2) In a close second, we just had to pick the Batmobile. It’s been through dozens of crazy incarnations and hosted a vast array of mental weaponry but Darren has opted for the red-detailed one from the 60s TV show and Tim Burton’s sleek 1989 entry. Now, the TV show Batmobile displayed more gadgets than you can shake a batarang at in its 2 year run on our screens, but Burton’s incarnation famously included grappling hooks to scale walls, a bulletproof finish and one stonking great afterburner at the back. That makes for one pretty terrifying Transformer if you ask us, let’s hope he’s not a Decepticon...

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August 6th 2013

You Know You Grew Up In The 80s If...

As specialists in the finest 80s clothing on the web (yes I'm biased!) it's actually part of our job description to spend a good hour or two daydreaming of the greatest era ever every day.  Growing up in the Eighties was a real treat and installed in us the knowledge to make some of the greatest retro tees just for you lucky guys!  So take a couple of minutes out from your busy day to reminisce with me, You know you grew up in the 80s if...

...Saturday mornings were spent watching Going Live, wishing you had your own Gordon the Gopher.

...Your ideal classmate would have been Tucker Jenkins from Grange Hill.

...You had a hairstyle inspired by King of Mullets Pat Sharp.

Pat Sharp

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