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March 9th 2016

Espresso Yourself With Our Fab New Friends Central Perk Clothing!

Some show are good, some are great even, then some come along and totally dominate and define an era of television! One such show if of course FRIENDS!

Hitting our screens waaaay back in 1994 (which despite feeling like ten years ago, according to our calendars is actually a whopping 22 years ago! We know), FRIENDS became theeee sitcom of the 90's and early 00's thanks to it's quick whit, wacky plot lines and the odd mega feels moments with a pinch of will-they, won't-they in there for good measure.

Running for a staggering 236 episodes across 10 seasons, FRIENDS became as much of a part of many of our lives as actually hanging out with our own friends was! Naturally, as such a big icon this TV great has been part of our collection of designs for many moons now, but this certainly doesn't stop us keeping a look out for more and more Friends TShirt designs to add to the range which is exactly what we've gone and done. Take a peep....

Why not Perk up your wardrobe with this totally nostalgic Central Perk TShirt!

Featuring the classic Central Perk logo from the most famous coffee shop of the nineties, this is a real must have for any fan of this cult TV series.

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August 26th 2015

Our Top #TruffleShuffleCom Instagrams!

Hello TruffleShuffle peoples! As you might know, we're huuuuge fans of all things social media. Anything that can bring us closer to the people who make TruffleShuffle what it is (all you guys!) is just amazing. Getting to see just who you are, what you've snapped up and perhaps even just a few nice words puts the biggest smile on all our faces and lets us know what we're getting just right.

Each month looooads of you lovely lot snap your latest purchases or perhaps current outfit and upload them to Instagram for all to see (THANK YOU so much!). To celebrate your hard work, we're picking out just a few of our favourites to share and perhaps inspire even more shopping or snapping of your very own.

So! Check out some of these amazing Instagrams that we've been loving and don't forget, if you'd like to be featured or even just let us see what you've got your hands on, tag us using @truffleshufflecom or use the tag #truffleshufflecom and we'll spot it. Enjoy!

Roald Dahl Matilda Book Cushion

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June 7th 2015

TruffleShuffle Insider: Meet…Andy

Ever wondered who exactly is behind the scenes at TruffleShuffle? Well our TruffleShuffler insider blog series is the perfect place to look. Each month we take a member of the team and interrogate politely ask them a few questions to help uncover who they are, what they do and what stuff they like or don't like. It's that simple!.

This time we're looking into the world of warehouse busy bee Andy to find out just what makes him tick. Take it away!

What do you do here at Truffle Towers?

I work in the warehouse dealing with dispatching all the customer orders, picking and packing and making sure they are ready for collection by Royal Mail.

I also deal with receiving and booking in all stock.

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May 24th 2015

"Oh... My... Gawd!" New Friends T-Shirts Now In!

So no one told you life was gonna be this way. Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.AAAAAAA!

Even just hearing (or reading) these iconic lyrics sends us right back to the mid-90s and early 00's! Getting to see the gang do their thing at central perk long before 'banter' became a thing and just being...well...friends was all you needed to have fun was such a weekend highlight.

Friends really helped to capture and define this era and sooo many of us were just hooked on their weird and wonderful lives. Through all the craziness, highs and lows, we all (if secretly) wanted to be a part of their lives. Hell, if you watched enough of it you probably did feel part of their lives!

To help show off some love for this classic show and all that it gave us, we've just snapped up some amazing Friends T-Shirts and vests inspired by our personal hero Joey.

Check em out...

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May 6th 2015

11 Things We All Miss About FRIENDS 11 Years On...

Can you believe it?! Today back in 2004 saw the last ever episode of cult hit show FRIENDS hit our small screens. We're starting to feel old now!

There was just so much to love about this show, from its quick one liners, amazing physical comedy, totally natural friendship between the cast and the sometimes deep story lines in there. It really had the lot! To help jog some memories and perhaps rekindle some of that old love for these amazing characters and moments, we thought we would pop together some of the very best things about this show that we probably all miss even today.

Sit back and enjoy our 11 Things We All Miss About FRIENDS...

1 - The classic intro.

2 - Ross and Rachel's will they....won't they.

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March 11th 2015

T-Shirt Wall of Fame: TruffleShuffle's Top Sellers!

TruffleShuffle fans everywhere! Always working hard to bring you lovely lot even more new and exciting retro goodies, we love grabbing and chance to show them off to all the online world.

Well! Today rather than showing you just what we've gotten our hands on recently and what we think, we thought we would take some time to quickly show everyone just what...well... everyone else is loving. Not our personal selection but the top tees as chosen by you!

What better way to get some shopping inspiration than to check out what gems the all other TruffleShufflers have sniffed out and snapped up for their very own.

Take a peep below at some of the top selling cool tshirts on the site right now!

Men's Navy Steve Rogers Super Soldier Captain America Uniform Marvel T-Shirt

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