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January 9th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 131

Magician's wand! Is it really the weekend?

Appearing as quickly as it will disappear, the weekend is here once again with a puff, flash and bang and sure to bring as much mystery, glamour and flamboyance as a top stage show magician. Waving our hands around in spectacular fashion but only to distract and amaze, we'll be pulling out cards from your very pocket at such a rate they will become animated like some of the great celluloid creations.

Sit back, open your mind and prepare to be amazed!

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 10th January

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January 6th 2015

Our Top Ten Films Turning 20 in 2015!

It's that time again everyone! Yes, we're taking a little look back in time to dig up some of the biggest, most iconic and all out amazing films that will be turning a cool 20 years old this very year!

Now, some of these might shock, amaze or perhaps just make you realise how old things (and you are). We certainly fall in the latter category!

So! Take a little trip down memory lane with us and take a peep at some of our favourite films that were released back in 1995!

1) Toy Story

Okay this one if just plain scary! It only seems 5 minutes ago that we were thrown into Andy's room with the weird and wonderful collection of Toys. Still amazing and still full of amazing Pixar animation, this has really stood the test of time, with sharp graphics and even better animation. A real kids classic.

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November 21st 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 125

Knights Templar! It's the weekend all over again!

Like a great, tall, dark and powerful knight getting ready for the next battle, we'll strap and tie on our shiny retro movie greatness as our armor against boredom before mounting our noble steed of cinematic greatness and ride into this weekends movie adventures. Let us ride into enemy lines and return with their treasures of gold, minerals and celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!



Dungeons and Dragons (2000) ITV2 2:30pm-4:35pm (2 hours 5 minutes)

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November 20th 2014

TruffleShuffle Insider: Meet…Tracey!

It's here again folks! With the Christmas season well and truly upon us, we've been so super busy with all the packing, sorting, and of course chatting to you lovely lot. BUT we have managed to once again grab one of the TruffleShufflers for just a few moments to take their turn in the spotlight in our latest TruffleShuffle insider feature!

This time it’s the turn of our licensing, accounting and paperwork extraordinaire Tracey .... good luck! :)

What do you do here at Truffle Towers?

I pay the bills, so I expect people to be extra nice to me. I also deal with reporting royalties to our licensors amongst other things.

How long have you been at TruffleShuffle?

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October 17th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 120

Dinner for two! Is it really the weekend so soon?! What a week!

Arriving through the softly lit stonework archway at the end of the long drive way, we're quickly greeted and whisked away through the grand manor decked out with oil paintings, animal trophies and leather seats before entering the grand but elegant dining hall, complete with long table decorated in silverware and candles. We'll schmooze with the honoured guests before taking to our seats and eagerly awaiting the delights of the kitchen staff and toasting to the host.

Have a happy retro weekend!



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October 10th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 119

Cakes on a plane! It's the weekend...again?!

Preheating the oven to a steaming 180 degrees, we'll be donning our trusty aprons with battle scars from previous attempts as we get busy measuring, mixing, cracking and greasing our way to cakey goodness. We'll safely leave on the side to cool before spreading a much icing on as it each layer can handle, as we prepare our creation for its candle laden ceremony where it will make even the wildest dreams come true with one single puff.

Have a happy retro weekend!



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