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May 10th 2013

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 51!

Mrs Foley's baby boy! It's only gone and become the weekend.

So, like a friendly proprietor of fine baked goods. Let us bake for you a cake full of creamy celluloid pleasure, we'll sprinkle on hundreds and thousands of mega movie moments as the aroma of retro cinematic decadence fills your nostrils. Tasty.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


The Princess Bride (1987)5* 3:10pm-5:10pm (2 hours)

A cynical youngster becomes entranced by his grandfather's magical tales, which revolve around a stable-boy's heroic quest to rescue his lost love from the clutches of an evil prince, with the aid of a vengeance-seeking Spanish swashbuckler and his hulking sidekick. Rob Reiner's comic fantasy adventure, with Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Chris Sarandon, Mandy Patinkin, Peter Falk and Fred Savage.

My Girl (1991)Sky Movies Drama & Romance 3:45pm-5:30pm (1 hour 45 minutes)

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November 9th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 27!

Salvador Dali's moustache! it's the weekend hooray!

Like a troupe of excited chimpanzees making faces while merrily playing on tyre swings waiting for bananas let us be your happy little zoo keeper as we bring to you a bucket full cinematic retro juicy pleasure.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) ITV1 London 2:45pm-5:20pm (2 hours 35 minutes)

The rebel heroes set out to rescue Han Solo from the clutches of alien gangster Jabba the Hutt before preparing for a decisive attack on the evil Empire. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker faces a more personal battle in a final confrontation with Darth Vader that leads him to the inner sanctum of the Emperor himself. Conclusion of the sci-fi saga, starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.

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September 7th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 18!

Poseidon's Trident! It's been three weeks since my last confession, I mean Movie Rundown! First came the great flood and then I went on me holibobs for two weeks but you'll be glad to know all I did was laze about in my pants watching films ;-) You'll be less than thrilled to know that the movies I watched were the likes of “Mega Shark V's Giant Octopus” and “Two Headed Shark Attack" both brilliantly terrible films you're sure to agree so I watched them twice (totally deserve an Oscar!)

Also I'm to believe that someone else took over my duties as "Captain Film Dude" (official title - I have a badge and everything) and probably suggested you watched “Spiderman” and “Transformers” for three weeks! That menacing doppelganger must be stopped.

Never the less I'm back so that must mean it's the weekend Hooray! for us. So like the blistering hot sun showering us with rays of golden retro joyfulness as we stand buried waist deep in sand on a beautiful tropical beach let us be your bucket and spade and build you a nostalgic movie masterpiece.

Happy retro weekend folks :-)


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) ITV2 6:55pm-9:10pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

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June 18th 2010

For all you chocolate loving, foxy bookworms. Treat your little one to a fab new Roald Dahl tee from Fabric Flavours!

Roald Dahl had an amazing way with words and all of us here at TruffleShuffle loved his gruesomely wicked tales! Now you can spread your love of literature and creepiness to the next generation with these awesome new tees from Fabric Flavours!