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Posts  >  Tag: Star Trek

August 8th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 159

Bubblewrap and boxes! It's the weekend all over again and it's time for another installment of our retro movie rundown!

Like two eager and determined house hunters, we find ourselves searching each and every avenue in the hunt for that perfect property that will tick all the right boxes, give us that warm feeling and become our brand a brand new home. We'll fill it with all our worldly possessions, set everything just so and capture the whole adventure onto celluloid wonder ready to rediscover in years to come and say....look how young we looked!

Have a happy retro weekend.

SATURDAY 8th August


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April 24th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 144

Thor's Hammer! It's only the weekend again??!

Like most superheroes in the land, we once again find ourselves donning the Lycra as we prepare ourselves for battle against evil, the forces of nature and of course some pesky weekend boredom. We'll pull our laces up extra tight, adjust our cape before heading off into the sky with lightning speed to face any number of perils while the rest of civilization does their uppermost to capture our heroic deeds onto celluloid wonder for the world to see and unmask our identity.

Have a happy retro weekend!



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April 21st 2015

10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About… Star Trek!

Calling all you Star Trek fans!! We've just drummed up a little treat for you to get stuck into!

Like many fans in the land, we LOVE getting to dig our way into the weird and wonderful worlds of some of our very favourite movies and TV shows which is why we've been busting out some amazing 10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About… posts over our long and varied blogging career.

Well! Inspired by some of our very latest Star Trek T-Shirts, we decided to crack on with some serious research and share some of our latest discoveries of this iconic series with you guys.

Sit back and enjoy our 10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About… Star Trek!

1 - The late Leonard Nimoy is the only actor to appear in all 80s episodes (including the pilot!) of the original series. Legend!

2 - The actor who played "Scotty" James Doohan took part in D-Day during WW2....and was shot six times by 'friendly' fire! Although often covered, you can sometimes spot his missing finger which was a sad result of his wounds.

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March 13th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 139

Hot Potato! Looks like it's the Weekend!

So as we venture fourth into the unknown, choppy, shark infested waters off the Florida keys, let us be your hard nosed, chiseled featured, big game fisherman as we prepare our tackle box for the might of mega movie mayhem. We'll cast of our lines into an ocean of cinematic awesomeness to catch the almost mythical sea beast that is celluloid wonder!

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 14th March


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March 9th 2015

Trek Out Our Cool New Star Trek T-Shirts!

Like many retro loving people in the land, we're huge Star Trek fans! Since its launch back in 1966 this show has become one of the best-loved and has gain a strong cult following for a whole host of is many generations. Heck it even had its own full-fledged language (Klingon) to its name!

From its very origin, star Trek (original) saw Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise explore the Galaxy and help defend the United Federation of Planets, explore new worlds, seek new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no man has gone before.

If you love nothing more than some classic Star Trek action, look no further than our latest addition to the ever-evolving range of TruffleShuffle T.Shirts!

Yep we've been busy getting our hands on some amazing new Star Trek Costume T-Shirts for all you eager fans to get your hands on. Take a peep below at some of our latest designs to hit the shelves from only £19.88!

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December 27th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 130

Well Turkey sandwiches and mince pies! It's only the weekend and that was only Christmas!

With a house still full of empty boxes, piles of wrapping paper and presents that are yet to be explored, our retro film review rolls on through to help clear a path and steer the ship of television greatness ever forward to far and great lands where treasures and adventures only found in the deepest of dreams await. We'll tuck into the Christmas remains before sitting back to gaze at the weekend's celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!



Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) Film4 1:10pm-3:50pm (2 hours 40 minutes)

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