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August 24th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 16!

Apologies for the lack of The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown last week! The good news is, we are back and ready to rock your weekend with some retro movie treats in store and even better news is that it's a BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND so we have given you a bonus Monday viewing schedule to ensure you don't miss a thing!

Have a happy retro LONG weekend :-)


Superman II (1980) Sky Movies Action & Adventure 10:40am-12:55pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

The Man of Steel meets his match in the form of three fugitive villains from his home planet of Krypton. Flying down to Earth, the super-powered trio unleash a reign of terror in a bid to take over the world - but Superman is not there to stop them, having surrendered his powers to lead a normal life with his beloved Lois Lane. Comic-strip adventure sequel, with Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Terence Stamp and Margot Kidder.

Twins (1988) ITV2 12:30pm-2:40pm (2 hours 10 minutes)

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April 13th 2012

The weekly retro movie rundown!

80's movie t shirts

Calling all retro movie aficionados............

Here at TruffleShuffle,movies are as important to us as they are to you and if, like us, you grew up on staple diet of Star Wars, Back to the Future, The Lost Boys and of course The Goonies to name but a few, our brand new retro movie rundown is sure to appeal.

Yes folks, every Friday - we'll be giving you the heads up as to what retro treats you can expect to find on your telly box this coming weekend.

So whether you love old school movies like us or are just looking for something to pass the time and need some inspiration, our retro movie run down is just the ticket.

ENJOY and let us know what you end up watching!

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October 21st 2011

Weekend Movie Sofa Challenge 2 – The Sequel

O.k. so two weeks ago I set myself a challenge to watch as many movies as possible over the course of a weekend.

I’m almost ashamed to say I failed that challenge. I put it down to a short attention span and consuming too much alcohol on Satuday night which meant I got out of bed to find I'd missed most of the day. EPIC FAIL!

Luckily though, all is not lost! Whilst browsing the good old TV guide this week, I noticed that Sky movies sci/fi has a Superman marathon on (not easy at all to say.)

Yes all my fellow wannabe Superheroes, all four Superman movies starring the legendary Christopher Reeves along with Superman Returns are being shown on Sunday from 12:40 pm onwards.

Unfortunately for me however, I don't have Sky nor do I know any one that does, bad times! Never fear though, if you’re in the same boat and need a retro movie smack upside the head this weekend, here’s an alternative list of old school delights available to you this weekend on good old regular television.


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