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05-24 - Birthday Discount
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August 14th 2011 by Amy

Bert and Ernie will not marry!

While catching up on all the news this week TruffleShuffle spotted an amusing story about two of our favourite Sesame Street characters and just had to share it with you! Sesame Street makers have confirmed that Bert and Ernie, best friends forever will not be getting married as was hoped by fans.

The odd pair first appeared on our screens in 1969 with the intention of teaching children that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. Despite numerous campaigns and petitions calling for the couple to get married the Sesame Street show makers have decided that the duo shall remain very good friends!

For now the quirky characters including other Sesame Street friends Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar The Grouch and The Count will continue to entertain 120 million viewers across 140 countries, pretty impressive we think.

With such a huge fan base we thought we would introduce our amazing new collaboration with Sesame Street! Exclusive to TruffleShuffle, each limited edition design has been inspired by old school music iconography for the ultimate in 'Street' fashion. Available in both men's and ladies sizes, which one spins your decks?

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street......?!