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September 6th 2011 by James

Who Ya Gonna Call?

This week we've just launched a brand new collection of Ghostbusters T-shirts from Fame and Fortune.  Of course this got everyone in the office buzzing, but I was most excited of all cause designing these Tees was my first ever project for TruffleShuffle!  Seeing the final results of my work is such a great feeling and it took me back to when I had just started working here as a designer.  For me there couldn’t have been a more perfect starting point as I am a huge fan of the classic film, I remember that I couldn’t wait to get started!

The first step towards building a new collection of tees is to really research your subject, so luckily for me it was the perfect opportunity to spend an evening in and watch the film again for the 100th time, any excuse will do!  I knew there were a number of bases I had to cover, everyone loves Stay Puft, Slimer is a definite and we really wanted to see the Ecto-1, but it was really useful (and fun) to see the film again as it refreshed my mind and reminded me of some really classic catchphrases and scenes.  It was the best way to get me back in the Ghostbusting state of mind!

As well as the ultra popular “Who ya gonna call?” and “I ain’t afraid of no ghost” I loved the phrases “Don’t cross the streams” and “When the light is green the trap is clean” and was determined to get them included on one of the tees!

I also included the Ghostbusters Montage design to show our four heroes fighting against some of the monsters from the film as well as a special appearance from the ghost best know from the films main logo!

My favourite character from the film has to be Stay Puft and I really enjoyed showing two different sides of him in two of the designs.  First up was the big, looming outline design with those angry eyes and evil smile but second is the sugary sweet and super cute Stay Puft marshmallows design.  I love these two designs and will wear Stay Puft with pride, I might even choose which one to wear depending on my current mood that day!

All in all this has been such an enjoyable project and I’ve loved every minute of bringing the Ghostbusters crew back to our TruffleShuffle T-shirt selection.  I hope you guys like the set and keep your eyes peeled for even more designs to be added soon, a sneak preview of which has been included in this blog post!  Hopefully this will help to keep you Ghostbusters fans happy while rumours for a third film continue to circulate.  Bring back Stay Puft I say…