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August 10th 2012 by Aaron

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 15!

Pythagoras’ Theorem! Is it that time again?

Like a sleuth of bears thrashing and splashing around in rivers looking for salmon, we’re here once again to pluck out the juiciest and plumpest retro cinematic pleasures available to watch this weekend! So, sharpen your claws and lick your lips cos it’s looking like a filling end to the week.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Forrest Gump (1994) Sky Movies Drama & Romance 12:25pm-2:50pm (2 hours 25 minutes)

A simple soul bumbles his way through a series of bizarre adventures, becoming an American football star, Vietnam veteran, table tennis champion and millionaire businessman - but the love of his life continues to elude him. Robert Zemeckis's Oscar-winning comedy drama, starring Tom Hanks, Sally Field, Robin Wright and Gary Sinise

Boyz N the Hood (1991) Sky Movies Modern Greats 4:00pm-6:00pm (2 hours)

A bright but underachieving teenager with a domineering single father strikes up a friendship with two brothers, and over time, the three young men each follow their own path - but a tragedy eventually leaves them facing a dangerous choice. Oscar-nominated drama, with Cuba Gooding Jr, Laurence Fishburne, Morris Chestnut and Ice Cube

Office Space (1999) Sky Movies Indie 6:45pm-8:20pm (1 hour 35 minutes)

A jaded computer programmer goes to bizarre lengths to get fired from his dull job - but his new laid-back attitude leads to unexpected promotions as his arrogance is taken for supreme self-confidence by unwitting bosses. Satirical comedy, starring Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, Ajay Naidu and Gary Cole

Rocky II (1979) ITV4 9:15pm-11:40pm (2 hours 25 minutes)

Philadelphia boxer Rocky Balboa quits the ring to marry his sweetheart and become a father. However, times prove hard and money is tight, so when Balboa is offered another shot at Apollo Creed's heavyweight title, the fighter is tempted out of retirement. Drama sequel, starring Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Carl Weathers, Burt Young and Burgess Meredith.


The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Channel 5 3:40pm-5:50pm (2 hours 10 minutes)

High-kicking teenager Daniel accompanies his venerable mentor Mr Miyagi when he returns to the Japanese province of Okinawa to visit his dying father. However, an old rival of Miyagi's is waiting for them, while Daniel is drawn into a vicious conflict with their enemy's own karate protege. Martial arts sequel, starring Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita and Yuji Okumoto

Men's Karate Kid Cobra Kai Fist Logo T Shirt £22.99

The Goonies (1985) Channel 5 5:50pm-7:55pm (2 hours 5 minutes)

Seven youngsters uncover an old map and set out on the adventure of a lifetime to save their homes from a land developer by finding a legendary pirate's hidden treasure. However, they first have to navigate a series of booby-trapped underground caverns and outwit a family of crooks also after the loot. Children's adventure, starring Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, Josh Brolin, Martha Plimpton and the late Lupe Ontiveros

Airplane! (1980) Sky Movies Modern Greats 8:00pm-9:30pm (1 hour 30 minutes)

The passengers on board an ill-fated airliner become increasingly jittery when the members of the flight crew flounder during a food-poisoning crisis. As ground control personnel struggle heroically to ensure the plane lands safely, a traumatised war veteran is forced to take the controls. Spoof disaster movie, starring Robert Hays, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack and Lloyd Bridges

Airplane Don't Call Me Shirley Mug £4.99

Top Gun (1986) Film4 9:00pm-11:10pm (2 hours 10 minutes)

An arrogant pilot's maverick flying skills earn him a place in an elite US Navy school, where he comes into conflict with a fellow student and falls for his civilian instructor. A tragedy in the air threatens to end his military career - until an international incident offers him a chance to redeem himself. Aerial action adventure, starring Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards and Tom Skerritt

The Goonies, Karate Kid Part II and Top Gun all in the same day!! I hereby name Sunday as "Awesome TruffleShuffle Day", go buy yourself something nice to celebrate, or make a cake! Spread the word, happy "Awesome TruffleShuffle" day everybody!

Don't end up like this lonesome bear, get some friends round for the movie feast and enjoy it together!

Whatever you get up to this weekend - as my mum always says, be careful and enjoy yourselves! ;-)