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March 13th 2013 by Iain

Top Geeks of the 80s!

Everyone loves a good geek, whether you can simply marvel at their genius, or smile at their quirky geeky ways they never fail to intrigue and entertain us on the big and small screens.

With the geek clothing scene these days bigger than ever, it seems revealing you inner nerd has never been cooler. Modern day screen heroes are more and more not the all-out amazing lead roles, but increasingly the cooky sidekick that can out gadget and out think any challenge. With some amazing new characters hitting the big time recently such as the new Dr Who, BBC Sherlock series and Q from James Bond played by Ben Whishaw, we thought we would take the time to appreciate the geeks of old with our Top Geeks of the 80s list!

Anthony Michael Hall in everything from 1982 to 1985

Best known for his roles as The Geek in 'Sixteen Candles,' Brian Johnson in 'The Breakfast Club,' Garry Wallace in 'Weird Science', Anthony is well known and loved by all retro film lovers in the land and we're sure everyone has a little bit of his characters inside them. Geeky but cool!

David Lightman in 'WarGames' (1983)

Played by Matthew Broderick, this computer loving geek finds a back door into a military central computer in which reality is confused with game-playing, possibly starting World War III! He is a genuine computer whizz and would certainly be out go-to-guy if we needed some extra computer geek brain power here at Truffle Towers.

Richard 'Data' Wang in 'The Goonies' (1985)

A topic very close to out hearts! Data is a hugely inventive Goonie who lived next door to the Walsh family. Like us, he's a huge fan of James Bond and carries all of his special gadgets and tools in his trusty trenchcoat. While his gadgets have setbacks every now and then, they do come in handy and saved the gang from near death experiences. He is definitely the geek you want around on your childhood adventures.

Louis Tully in "Ghostbusters"

Played by Rick Moranis who was also in the 'Honey, I Shrunk The...' series, Louis is the quintessential nerd. While a very good-natured guy, he sports a level of social awkwardness that eclipses even Egon's. He tries to be hip and cool, but never pulls it off (he would work out to exercise videos, but at double speed). Deep down, Louis really wants to break out of his humdrum little existence and be a hero. Even though his assault on the slime shell coating the museum was at best negligible, Louis still put his heart into helping out.

George McFly in "Back to the Future"

Played by Crispin Glover, George is Marty's father when they go back in time. In this first film, George a weak nerdy guy unable to stand up for himself. In 1955, George was spying on Lorraine when he fell from a tree onto the street below and right in front of her father's car. Lorraine nursed him back to health, and the two fell in love. However, after traveling from 1985 to 1955, Marty inadvertently alters history when Lorraine becomes infatuated with him instead of George. Marty helps George become more confident, which ultimately leads to a confrontation between George and Biff. George rescues Lorraine from Biff which causes alterations to history, to the benefit of George and his family.

Carlton Banks in "Fresh Prince"

Played by Alfonso Ribeiro, Cartton is Will Smiths geeky, smart and seriously funny cousin. Often the butt of the joke, Carlton is the ultimate preppy guy who is always looking to do well in school to become the model student. His is widely know for his cooky dance moves and very childish humour...but mostly the dancing!

Brains in "Thunderbirds"

Brains is International Rescue's scientist and inventor. Not one of the Tracy boys, we never actually learn his real name. International Rescue is built on his ingenious inventions and ideas which often get the guys out of trouble. He has a robot called Braman who helps him with many tasks which he's rarely happy with and always tyring to improve. If you want something built, here's you guy!

So there they are!A whole host of top geeks with enough brain power to make us all feel just that little bit less bright. Release your inner geek with our huge range of Geek T-Shirts inspired by the films above such as Goonies T-Shirts, Thunderbirds T-Shirts, Fresh Prince T-Shirts, Ghostbusters T-Shirts, and of course Back To The Future T-Shirts! Phew!

Feel like we missed your favourite 80s geek? Let us know who was your favourite by leaving a comment below.
