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January 1st 2015 by Iain

Happy New Year! Our 2014 Resolutions Revisted….See How We did!

Happy New Year everyone!!

Firstly, we'd just like to say the biggest and most heartfelt THANK YOU to each and everyone one of you who placed and order, shared our products, got in touch, or even followed us on social media! We had such and amazing year and it really wouldn't have been possible without all the people out there placing orders and generally being awesome!

So! Mushy stuff out the way :) we thought we would kick-start another year of the TruffleShuffle blog just as we did last year with a little look at some of our resolutions, however this time we've decided to put some of the TruffleShufflers on the spot and find out how they did achieving some of their very own New Years resolutions they created last year (HERE).

Below are some of our resolutions and a little update on how each person did and some advice for making your own resolutions. Enjoy!

Amy:“To catch up with the 21st Century and watch Breaking Bad, Big Bang Theory, Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones!”

Result: I tried! I need to find time to finish Breaking Bad and will hopefully be enjoying Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones in 2015 – by which time the next new thing will have arrived for me to catch up with! Someone give me a heads up early so I can watch with the rest of the world :)

Simon: “Be less funny and grow a better beard.”

Result: It was too much like hard work to be less funny. One out of two ain’t bad….

Lee: “Climb more.”

Result: Last years resolution was to climb more. Smashed it and now climbing in the 6B to 6C range. This years Resolution is to master the campus board and be more awesome.

Claire: “Do more exercise (well just SOME exercise if I’m honest!), visit a country I’ve never been to and get my hair dyed (I’ve never been brave enough!)”

Result: Embarrassed to say I only managed 1 out of 3 but at least it was the most fun one – I visited the British Virgin Islands for the first time back in October which was awesome. Have now resigned myself to the fact that nothing is going to get me to the gym but I’m definitely going to try the new hair colour for 2015!

Pat: “Eat less fast food and learn to play the banjo”

Result: I’m eating slightly less fast food and am yet to master the banjo.  My advice for others would be not to aim too high. I set myself some pretty unachievable goals and for that I’ll always feel a failure.  This year’s resolution will be to eat similar amounts of fast food and do my utmost to ensure I don’t learn to play the banjo.

Michelle: “Sleep more. Drink less. Lose weight. Get tattooed at least once a month.”

Result: I haven’t slept more, but I’ve had more cosy nights at home – so I feel way more rested than I did last year which is good! I managed to lose about a stone, but I think over the festive period I’ve put half of it back on. Damn you Santa, and your delicious treats! I’ve been tattooed quite a bit over the last year (sorry mum), but not once a month.

Advice? Be realistic. Next year my resolution is to be happy, to eat lots of food, and be more adventurous with my hair! Easy!

Tracey: “Lose lots of weight and be a supermodel.”

Result: Having become a granny this year, I've accepted that fact that I'm not going to be a supermodel and i am going to embrace the grey hair and weight gain with dignity. Advice? Maybe don't set yourself an impossible task really!

Lucy: “To Be More Crafty – i.e. sewing, knitting, jewellery making and other craft projects.“

Results: Haven’t knitted, sewn or made any jewellery in 2014! My advice is to write your NY resolutions down, somewhere that you see them every day, in LARGE text so you don’t forget!

Iain:“To see as much live music as possible! Really take advantage of living in one of the best music cities in the UK, oh and learn to cook at least one new meal a month. BOSH!”

Results: Hmm tricky one. I did see a lot of very special bands last year but perhaps no more than usual. Soooo maybe not! With the cooking, I've learnt a lot more veggie dishes (thanks Jazz) which is really great but certainly not one a month. Advice for New Years resolutions...create an action plan! Write it down and stick to it or you will forget.

James: “Get involved with a lot more cooking and become a true Master Baker.”

Result: After a strong start where I was baking something new every other week, I'm afraid my enthusiasm quickly dwindled.  I have come to accept I will never be a true Master Baker.  My tip would be to stick at it and not be a lazy slob like I am.

So there you have them folks! Some amazing outcomes and well....some still needing a little work but that's okay.

How did you do with your own resolutions? Did your ideas for 2014 change? Did you smash your expectations or perhaps leave a little work to do in 2015? Let us know below...
