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March 12th 2015 by Iain

Exclusive New Round The Twist Tees!

It was weird, it was retro and it was awesome! We've been such huge fans of the classic TV show Round the Twist since it first hit our small screens back in 1989, so much so that it inspired some of the very first exclusive TruffleShuffle T-Shirts!

With classic episodes like 'Without My Pants' and 'Smelly Feet', how could we not love this hilarious Aussie kids show?! Not only was it pretty random, it also had one of the best intros ever! Take a peep below...



Have you ever, ever... seen classic TV T-Shirts as cool as this? Who some love for this childhood classic with our fab new range of exclusive designs. Great finds for any fans...

So what are your favourite Round the Twist moments? Let us know by popping a comment below.

After even more?? Check out our complete range of Round The Twist T-Shirts over at TruffleShuffle. See you there!