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April 14th 2015 by Iain

Dream On Dreamer! Exclusive New Care Bears Clothing Now In...

You heard it peeps! We've just released even more 100% official, 100% exclusive and 100% amazing Care Bears clothing into our ever growing site!

Originally created waaaay back in 1981 as greeting cards, The Care Bears took the world by storm and soon took on their new life as toys, cartoon characters and even film stars!

For the rest of us, these were far more than simple characters, it was a childhood phenomenon. Anyone who was anyone had their very own Care Bear, each with its own name, story and personality. Determined to keep their spirit alive, we've just released some fab new Dream On Dreamer designs to our huge range, a classic T.Shirt and a Jumper for the slightly chillier times. Take a peep!

So there you have them folks! What do you think of our latest handy work? Let us know by leaving a comment below or getting in touch via Facebook or Twitter.

See ya!
