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05-24 - Birthday Discount
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June 19th 2015 by Iain

Exclusive Miffy Designs available now and we're celebrating with a #giveaway!

The adorable Miffy turns 60 this year and TruffleShuffle is celebrating in style with an exclusive range of Miffy clothing, all inspired by legendary Dutch artist Dick Bruna’s so-cute-it-hurts creation.

Dick created the classic children's character, Miffy, in 1955 whilst on a rainy seaside holiday in North Holland. A little bunny kept hopping around the garden of his holiday home - he sketched it by day and at night made up stories about it to entertain his one year old son. That bunny later became Miffy.

60 years later, there are 32 storybooks about Miffy, which have sold over 85 million copies and are translated in more than 50 languages which just goes to show how much we all love her!


To celebrate both Miffy's birthday and the launch of our fabulous new collection, we couldn't resist a cheeky little give-away which is sure to get your cotton tails twitching!

We're offering one lucky Miffy fan the chance to win two Miffy mini posters, a huge selection of best selling books, a Miffy tote bag AND whopping £100 to spend on all our Miffy goodies!


So what are you waiting for? Hop to it!

To enter, simply follow the directions below via the RaffleCopter competition box. Entries can be made by following us (@truffleshuffle_) and the official Miffy Twitter page (@Miffy_UK) on Twitter or tweeting the competition message found in the box below. Easy peasy!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

How Long Do I Have?

The competition will close at midnight on Monday 22nd June and the lucky winner will be announced on our blog and Twitter page the following morning. Remember folks, the more ways you enter, the more chances you have of being picked.

How Will You Pick The Winner?

Totally at random! Once the competition closes the RaffleCopter system will dive into all the entrants and pick out one at random to keep things totally fair.

How Will I Know If I Win?

Once the winner has been selected, we will contact them directly via one of the methods used to enter as well as announcing it on our Twitter page. Further to that, we will also publish a closing competition post right here on the TruffleShuffle blog.

If you have any questions at all or would like any advice, please either email us on and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Good luck everyone! xoxo


Only one winner will be chosen at random.

There will be no cash alternative to prizes offered.

If we do not hear back from the winner after 1 week, another will be chosen at random. reserve the right to close/cancel the competition at any time.

Winner decision is final.