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August 25th 2015 by Iain

An Odie But a Goodie - Classic Garfield T-Shirts Now In!

Hater of Mondays, lazier than Mr Lazy himself and above all a total Pizza eating tabby legend, we're celebrating the one and only Garfield himself with some amazing new T-Shirts that will be sure to be right up any fan's street!

Since way back in 1978, Garfield has been putting a smile on comic, cartoon and even movie lovers alike faces with his sarcastic, cynical and general negative outlook on life which perhaps reflect maybe even the smallest part of all of us.

Despite his not to cheerful outlook on life and his family Jon and Odie, Garfield has won our hearts which is why we just had to get our hands on these amazing new Garfield T-Shirts for you guys.

Take a peep!

Show your love for the ultimate laid back puss with one of these from only £19.99!
