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September 13th 2018 by Iain

Pop The Kettle On, The Simpsons Mugs Are HERE!

Fresh in all the way from Springfield, we have just managed to get our eager hands on some totally awesome new Simpsons Mugs!

Featuring some of the most iconic characters... well... EVER, these ace mugs have quickly become our favourite and we're sure they will for you too!

The Simpsons Krusty Burger Mug

Hey! Hey! Looking to add some extra clown action to your mug collection? Aren't we all, right? Look no further than our wicked new Krusty Burger Mug!

The Simpsons Duff Beer Mug

"I’ve figured out an alternative to giving up my beer. Basically, we become a family of traveling acrobats!". Hmm not a bad idea but now you can enjoy Duff at anytime without any repercussions thanks to this epic Duff Beer Mug!

The Simpsons Characters Mug

Love so many of The Simpsons cast you can't possibly pick a fave? We know the feeling! Why have to pick in the first place? Show your love for all of the most memorable faces with this awesome Simpsons Characters Mug featuring a whole heap of em!

The Simpsons Moe's Tavern Mug

Surely one of the places for any Simpsons fan to visit! We might not ever get to go there, but now we can get the next best thing with this ace Moe's Tavern Mug!

But that's not all!

With all this killer mug game you'll have with these new mugs, where are you going to put them that will do them justice?

Moe's Tavern Set Of 4 Coasters

On our new Moe's Tavern Set Of 4 Coasters of course!

There you have them folks! Which is your favourite? Let us know with a comment below.