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April 4th 2016

Get Some Vintage Cool With Our Top 7 Tees From The 70s...

Here at TruffleShuffle, while it's no big secret that we luuuuurrrve everything 80s (did you spot it yet?), there's is no denying our passion for the good old 70s!

Yes the decade that gave us Space Hoppers, Flares, View-Masters, The Wombles and of course Roller Skates to name a few is surely something worth celebrating. Can you really imagine your music collections alone without some of the classics from this decade? We sure can't!

To help tip our caps to this wonderful decade, we thought we would show you guys some of our favourite tees that we currently have in stock from and around this wonderful time. So! Without further delay, check out our Top 7 Tees From The 70s!

Jaws TShirt

A real piece of cinema gold right here with Spielberg's cult classic Jaws. The tale of a huuuuuge killer shark that is terrorising the small island community of Amity is one that many of us will remember. Usually it's being pretty terrified and at least having a slight nervousness about getting into the sea for a little while (we sure did anyways!). A sure fire way to tell the awesomeness of a film we think is the simple things people remember, for this it's the iconic theme tune which still sends shivers down our spines and of course the classic line....."We're going to need a bigger boat", just two reasons alone to love this 70s legend.

Star Wars A New Hope TShirt

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October 30th 2015

The 2015 TruffleShuffle Pumpkin Carve-Off!

It's PUMPKIN TIME again every one! Just like many fellow Halloween addicts out there, this week everyone here at TruffleTowers have been busy bees thinking up and creating our very own Pumpkin creations ready to show off to you lovely lot.

We've had such a blast getting stuck into these amazing creations, each with their very own retro inspired theme because....well we are TruffeShuffle after all!

Check out all our amazing designs....

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April 17th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 143

Beermats and bottle tops! It's only the bloomin weekend already!

Heading out way to the local beer garden to enjoy some sweet evening sunshine, we'll enter the garden of Eden that soothes our end of week woes with spirits high as we search for the few remaining spots of sunshine to set up base camp for the evening.

We'll reminisce of stories past, get the latest with the dating gossip from the group or perhaps just end up discussing some of the weirdest and most wonderful topics imaginable before heading home and snuggling up on the sofa to catch some of the most retro cinematic wonder that was ever created.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 18th April

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October 17th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 120

Dinner for two! Is it really the weekend so soon?! What a week!

Arriving through the softly lit stonework archway at the end of the long drive way, we're quickly greeted and whisked away through the grand manor decked out with oil paintings, animal trophies and leather seats before entering the grand but elegant dining hall, complete with long table decorated in silverware and candles. We'll schmooze with the honoured guests before taking to our seats and eagerly awaiting the delights of the kitchen staff and toasting to the host.

Have a happy retro weekend!



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July 23rd 2014

Awesome Behind The Scenes Jaws Piccys To Sink Your Teeth Into...

We can still remember it now. Curled up on the sofa, desperately trying to grab as many pillows as we could get our hands on to hide behind, only peeping through the cracks in our fingers to catch a glimpse and quickly back again. This of course was our first 1975 classic Jaws experience and...well... we loved it!

Every once in a while a film comes along that totally changes the game, whether it's with ultra cool new revolutionary special effects, amazing acting performances, or perhaps all out shocking storylines we'll never forget. These films quickly go down in history and earn themselves the title of a classic or perhaps a retro movie icon, Jaws is certainly one of these films!

Directed by movie legend Steven Spielberg, Jaws (based on the books) follows the story of a small island community called Amity which quickly becomes the hunting ground of a huuge (no really...huge!) Great White Shark. After some odd goings on and an attack on a local boy, the mother of the latest victim put a large bounty on the sea beast's head which soon sends would-be shark hunters on the case to catch their prize, but this is only the start of the Sharks feeding frenzy....


Always wanting to have a little nosy into some of our favourite films, we've been doing a little swimming around the depths of the internet and have discovered some simply amazing behind the scenes shots of the great beast itself and of course the iconic cast and crew. Take a peep at some of our favourite snaps and perhaps put some of those deep blue sea fears to bed :)


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July 18th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 108

Eddie Munster! It is the weekend!

So a brightly decorated corner of a of family living room, on top a three legged table, inside a neon lit gold fish bowl. Let us be your over active often forgetful pet goldfish while we merrily swim about in circles of retro movie mayhem. We'll hide in our underwater castle of cinematic greatness, before we end up on our back forever destined to be flushed away into the great abyss of celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!


Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) ITV London 3:15pm-5:00pm (1 hour 45 minutes)

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