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October 7th 2011

The Big Fat Weekend Sofa Movie Challenge

If like me, you're bored to the back teeth of trashy reality T.V then boy have we got a treat for you this weekend! Prepare to cosy up with us TruffleShufflers on the sofa and veg out big time out for a  full on old school movie master class.

Yes, I’ve quite literally challenged myself to watch as many retro movies as possible over the coming weekend. Don't worry - I've only chosen movies available on freeview or terrestrial channels so everyone can join in with my square eyed extravaganza.

The amount of awesome movies on the old telly box is quite frankly incredible so here's my very own old school TV guide for your viewing pleasure!


As most normal people don’t get out of bed on a Saturday before Noon, I'm starting with James Bond Live and Let Die which is on ITV4 at 12:30 - 3:00pm!

Here's a taster of that famous crocodile scene to wet your appetite...

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June 30th 2011

Autobots roll out......

If like me you were tranform-erly (is that a word?) neglected as a child because ones parents realised Transformers was a massive marketing ploy by Hasbro to get kids to buy toys and therefore your only transformer was a cheap market knock off 'Santa' got you for Xmas (I never realised Santa was a tight wad), then you'll be pretty excited about the upcoming Transformers dark of the moon movie which is released THIS WEEK!

I know for a fact I am. After watching the first 2 movies without blinking once, I can confirm they were every adult Transformers fans dream (well mine anyway!) I swear I was clinically blinded by all the explosions followed closely by a near motorcycle accident on the way home because I was willing my bike to turn into a giant robot (in case you were wondering, I wanted it to be a decepticon which I’d name Bones and we’d be awesome together OK.)

Therefore, I’m expecting more explosions, lasers, guns, giant robots and a few more explosions followed closely by bleeding eyeballs and fits of epilepsy when I leave the cinema for the third instalment of the hugely popular franchise. If that happens, I'll be a happy boy! If it doesn't, those Autobots had better watch out.

Reviews have been mixed so far with The Daily Mail saying

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June 3rd 2011

Transformers 3 Trailer - Awesome Stunts

If you are anything like me then you are eagerly anticipating the release of the new transformers film which is due to be launched on 29th June.

Most of the cast from the first two films have been revived, the most notable absentee is Megan Fox after her character Mikaela was dropped for this film. English model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has replaced Fox as Sam's love interest in the new film.

If the trailer is anything to go by then the film is going to be packed full of action and awesome special effects, if you have not seen the trailer then check it out now:

You may have spotted the flying men jumping out of the aircraft during the trailer and thought it looked impressive, well it might seem even more impressive when you learn that they actually did this for real in Chicago, truly amazing stunts:

Are you looking forward to Transformers 3? Do you think it will live up to the previous two? What are your thoughts on Fox being replaced by Huntington-Whiteley?

--Also, don't forget to get your Transformers t-shirts in time for the films release! We will be disappointed if you are not wearing one when you go to see the film!

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