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December 20th 2016

We're Still Shipping! TruffleShuffle Xmas Delivery Dates...


UK Deliveries?


Christmas is sooo nearly here (EEEP!) and we want to ensure you receive your TruffleShuffle orders in time for the big day so please pay careful attention to our last posting dates to ensure you receive your goodies with time to get them wrapped and under the tree! We send out your orders that have been placed right up until 4pm on Friday 23rd December to arrive on Christmas Eve for all those last minute gifts!


Check our last posting dates to receive

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December 1st 2015

Don't Miss Out! Our Last Posting Dates For International Deliveries 2015

Christmas is fast approaching folks! It's scary and exciting but doesn't have to be stressful if you're fully clued up and can get everything right on time before the big day.

To help ensure any orders you are sending Internationally will arrive in time for the big day, we thought we would share our Last Posting Dates For International Deliveries to keep you in the loop and make sure you or someone special doesn't miss out on the big day.

Check out our key international dates below...

Africa, Asia, Cyprus, Middle East, Far East (including Japan)

16:00GMT Fri 4th Dec

Caribbean, Central & South America

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December 17th 2015

Don't Panic! We're Still Shipping for Christmas Deliveries!

UK Deliveries?

Christmas is nearly here and we want to ensure you receive your TruffleShuffle orders in time for the big day so please pay careful attention to our last posting dates to ensure you receive your goodies with time to get them wrapped and under the tree! We send out your orders that have been placed right up until 4pm on Wednesday 23rd December to arrive on Christmas Eve for all those last minute gifts!

Check our last posting dates to receive

your order in time for Christmas...

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April 1st 2015

Great Scott! TruffleShuffle Now Offering Yesterday Delivery!

We now offer... Yesterday Delivery


You heard it right folks! Like something straight out of a sci-fi film, we’ve only gone and changed the game of online shopping forever with our latest venture into the most modern use of iconic retro technology ever!

Thanks to a recently acquired new fleet of DeLorean DMC-12's, made famous by the iconic Back To The Future films, from April 1st, customers can order as late as noon for delivery.... yesterday.

So how does it work? Using Doc Brown’s tried and tested technology, we’re cranking our service up to 1.21 gigawatts and are firing up the flux-capacitors once more to send our trusty new delivery vehicles down the road and straight back in time right to your front door. Simple as that!

This world first delivery option will cost just £88 and will come with our money back guarantee, meaning if we run OUTATIME you’re not left out of pocket.

So what are you waiting for?! Dress your yester-self in some top retro goodies TODAY!

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December 15th 2014

TruffleShuffle Christmas Delivery! Santa's Scedule 2014

UK Deliveries?

Christmas is nearly here and we want to ensure you receive your TruffleShuffle orders in time for the big day so please pay careful attention to our last posting dates to ensure you receive your goodies with time to get them wrapped and under the tree! We send out your orders that have been placed right up until 4pm on Monday 22nd December to arrive on Christmas Eve for all those last minute gifts!

Check our last posting dates to receive

your order in time for Christmas

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November 16th 2011

It’s sNOw Problem When You Shop With!

Don’t delay, get your order in today!

After the very white December we experienced last year we are making sure we are super organised and ready for anything this year and so to reassure you of our dedication to you, our customers and the service we provide we have created our very own “Snow Promise”!

We know that should the white stuff arrive in some areas that your deliveries might be slightly delayed however we also know that we will still be dispatching your parcels whatever the weather and we are confident that good old Royal Mail will be delivering them so it really is sNOw problem!

To give us and Royal Mail the best possible chance of getting your parcel to you in good time we would recommend you place your order as early as possible to ensure it arrives nice and early and in time for Christmas.

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