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January 31st 2013 by Iain

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Home Alone

Being such huuuuge fans of retro movies, we of course love nothing more than to kick back in our very own Home Alone T-Shirts, put our feet up and watch one of our all time favourite kids films Home Alone.

Every kid wanted to be him, cheeky, lovable, and the ability to effortlessly get one over any meddling adult who put him to the test. To help spread the Home Alone love, we thought we would share some fab little facts we recently discovered out this cult kids film. Take a peek!

Kevin's classic retro toy The Talkboy was originally created as a non-working prop for use in the film. Later in 1993 it was made into a retail version, brought on by a massive letter-writing campaign by young fans of the film who wanted the real thing.

John Candy amazingly filmed his part in just 1 day, a very long 23-hour day that is! The story about having once forgotten his son at a funeral home was entirely improvised. His part is obviously inspired by the character he played in Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

Daniel Stern agreed to have the tarantula put on his face for exactly one take. He had to mime screaming because the noise would have scared the spider, and the scream was dubbed in later.

Remember the scene where Harry bites Kevin's finger? Joe Pesci did actually bite Macaulay Culkin, leaving a little scar on his finger! Oucheeee!

The posters and DVD cases for the movie had Culkin with his hands on his face and screaming, based on the famous painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. Know the one?

Angels with Filthy Souls is actually a fictional gangster film that was made specifically for the film. There is also a sequel to the film, Angels with Even Filthier Souls, in the sequel Home Alone. Yep...they made a little movie, to be in a movie. Inception!

Iconic actor Robert De Niro actually turned down the role of Harry which was of course later accepted by Joe Pesci.

There is a legend that Elvis Presley (who died in 1977) made a cameo in the movie. Many of those who believe that Elvis is still alive maintain that, the heavily bearded man standing in the background of the scene where Mrs. MacCallister is shouting at the desk clerk (just before she meets John Candy) is in fact....Elvis.

Jeffrey Wiseman who plays the inquisitive neighbour, Mitch Murphy, originally auditioned for the lead role of Kevin McCallister.

The picture Kevin finds of Buzz's girlfriend was actually a picture of a boy made up to look like a girl because the director thought it would be too cruel to make fun of a girl like that. So kind.

Left wanting more Kevin action? Check out our range of Macaulay Culkin T-Shirts for both him and her...

Ladies White Kevin Home Alone Boyfriend T-Shirt from Worn By

Men's White Kevin Home Alone T-Shirt from Worn By
