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December 21st 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 34!

Santa Claus is coming to town! It must be the bumper Christmas edition of the retro movie rundown - Ho ho ho!

So like a primary school nativity with little mites dressed like shepherds, their mothers tea towels wrapped around their heads, as a wee little Mary rocks back and forth a Tiny Tears baby Jesus and a cheeky Joseph sneakily lodges his index finger into his own nose - let us be your wise men three as we bring to you gifts of cinematic greatness, retro celluloid awesomeness and festive movie magic gold.

Have a very festive Retro Christmas! :-)


Weekend at Bernie's (1989) ITV4 1:45pm-3:45pm (2 hours)

Two aspiring accountants are invited to their playboy boss's beach house, only to discover he has been murdered - setting the scene for all manner of comic complications as they try to convince everyone he is still alive. Slapstick comedy, starring Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Silverman, Catherine Mary Stewart, Don Calfa and Terry Kiser.

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December 14th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 33!

Jingle bells, Batman smells! Another festive weekend of movies - hooray!

So like happy little elves dressed in stripy socks and pointy hats, working hard and making lots and lots of toys for all the good girls and boys, let us help fill up Santa's sack with heaps of retro cinematic magic and tons of nostalgic movie joy.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Back to the Future Part II (1989) ITV1 London 5:45pm-7:40pm (1 hour 55 minutes)

Time-travelling teenager Marty McFly travels to the 21st century, where he has to save his children from a terrible fate. However, this proves to have unforeseen consequences when the future version of arch enemy Biff sees a chance to rewrite history for his own benefit, leaving Marty stuck in a twisted parallel universe. Sci-fi comedy sequel, starring Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd.

Ladies Back To The Future Delorean Firetracks T-Shirt £19.99 (also available for men)

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December 6th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 32!

Dasher, Dancer, Cupid, Prancer, Comet, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen it must be the Weekend!

So in a snowy field dressed up snug and warm in woolly hats, gloves and scarves let us be your gang of friends as we gather and roll as much snow as we can to build an epic mountain of frosty retro greatness, prepare to stand back in cinematic snowy awe for a full on filmy snowball fight.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Back to the Future (1985) ITV1 London 3:55pm-6:00pm (2 hours 5 minutes)

Teenager Marty McFly travels back to the 1950s in a time machine built by his eccentric inventor friend. The return journey proves tricky enough, but he also accidentally alters the sequence of events that led to his parents falling in love - and has to persuade his future dad to win his mother's heart, or he will never be born. Sci-fi comedy adventure, starring Michael J Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and Crispin Glover.

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November 18th 2012

The TruffleShuffle Top 5 Movie Quotes Countdown!

We all like to think of ourselves as big film buffs here at TruffleShuffle and with so many great Movie T-Shirts in stock there are constant reminders around to encourage us to dig out the old classics time and time again.  The films that I return to most are the ones that I grew up on, there's nothing like cheering yourself up with a classic 80s movie for the ultimate nostalgia fest!  In a Top of the Pops style I'm going to run through my top five movie quotes that never fail to bring a smile to my face, and also show you a cool selection of Film T-shirts to kit you out in style as you settle down with the popcorn!

5 - "May the force be with you" - Star Wars

The ultimate Sci-Fi flick from the late 70s, few films have made as big a cultural splash as Star Wars and if you count yourself as one of the millions of fans out there you're sure to appreciate our cool and stylish Star Wars collection!

4 - "Roads... Where we're going we don't need roads!" - Back to the Future

Every kid wanted to go on an adventure like Marty McFly and Doc Brown did after seeing Back to the Future, unfortunately time travel hadn't (and still hasn't!) been invented so the next best thing you can do is pay homage to the ultra cool Delorean with our fab tees!

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October 12th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 23!

Odin's Spear! Weekend frolics are here again - joy to us all.

Like a giant polka dot teapot full to the brim with steamy hot cinematic bliss, let us be your friendly old tea lady and pour you a nice big mug of movie magic - please help yourself to a slice of Battenburg!

Have a happy retro weekend folks :-)


Free Willy (1993) ITV2 12:55pm-3:10pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

A troubled youngster befriends a captive killer whale while working at a marine park. However, their friendship looks set to be short-lived when he learns the park's greedy owners plan to kill the animal, forcing the boy into a race against time to release the creature back into the ocean. Family drama, starring Jason James Richter, Lori Petty and Michael Madsen.

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October 5th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 22!

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah! It smells like the weekend is upon us! After two whole weeks of movie fasting through attempting to paint and decorate the "Olds" house, utilising my man skills of hanging wallpaper, drinking tea and eating biscuits (I recommend a chocolatey digestive) I am fully in the mood for some awesomely 80's movies. So like a rocketship full of retro fuel and nostalgic cinematic glory, strap yourself in tight as we stare up at the man in the moon and wonder if he's really made of cheese before we blast off at supersonic speed into deep dark space.

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Jurassic Park (1993) ITV1 London 12:45pm-3:00pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

Scientists are given a sneak preview of a safari park inhabited by genetically engineered dinosaurs created by an eccentric tycoon. However, it all goes wrong when a greedy employee sabotages the security systems, allowing the prehistoric beasts to roam free and hunt the visitors. Steven Spielberg's action adventure, starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough and Samuel L Jackson.

The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984) GOLD 5:00pm-7:00pm (2 hours)

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