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September 28th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 21!

That time again folks where we take you on a journey through time and space with our weekly helping hand for all your retro movie needs! Relax and reminisce with some of the absolute classic 80s films we've hand picked for you guys this weekend.

Lights, camera aaand action!!


Uncle Buck (1989) ITV2 7:55pm-9:50pm (1 hour 55 minutes)

An unreliable but good-natured slob is called upon to look after his trouble-making nephew and nieces while their parents are away - and what starts as a disaster soon changes for the better as the unlikely babysitter gets to grips with the finer points of the job. Family comedy, starring John Candy, Macaulay Culkin, Jean Kelly, Gaby Hoffman, Amy Madigan and Laurie Metcalf.

The Terminator (1984) Syfy 10:00pm-12:10am (2 hours 10 minutes)

A cyborg assassin is sent on a murderous mission back in time to the 20th century, where he wreaks havoc while searching for his intended victim - a woman whose unborn son is destined to lead the human race in a war against machines. However, a soldier has also been sent from the future to protect her. James Cameron's sci-fi thriller, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn

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July 10th 2012

My Top Five 80s Movie Intros...

1. Top Gun

Top Gun has one of the best 80’s movie opening scenes. It's got F14 jets taking off, the Top Gun anthem, "Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins playing and then straight into the action with Maverick and Goose.

In the film, Charlie’s old man date was the real life "Viper", Pete Pettigrew. He was a Top Gun instructor and retired Navy pilot, and served as the technical consultant on the film.

2. Rocky 4

I always loved the way Rocky 4 started; it’s basically just a re-cap of what happened at the end of 3, but starts with two giant boxing gloves crashing together and then cutting to the recap, and it has "Eye Of The Tiger" playing!

According to Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and Carl Weathers really did not get along and got into an altercation during filming. Lundgren threw Weathers across the ring before it was broken up (

3. Transfomers the movie 1986

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April 20th 2012

The weekly retro movie rundown!

Week 2 of the movie rundown and Friday seemed to have nothing on at all :-(

That said Saturday and Sunday make up for it with some proper corkers, I hope you agree. Read on for my rundown of the movies you just can't miss on the box this weekend.

Enjoy and have a happy retro weekend my fellow old school movie buffs!


Beetlejuice (1988) Channel 5 5:30pm-7:15pm

Recently deceased couple Adam and Barbara Maitland enlist the professional services of a hard-boiled veteran ghost to scare away the obnoxious yuppie family who have moved into their former home. Tim Burton's supernatural comedy, starring Michael Keaton, Geena Davis, Alec Baldwin, Winona Ryder, Jeffrey Jones and Catherine O'Hara.

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October 14th 2011

Back To The Future Delorean Up For Auction!

Yes, you read it right! Back to the Future's III's iconic DeLorean is part of the upcoming Profiles in History auction and this awesome piece of movie history is expected to fetch a whopping $600,000 when it goes under the hammer in December!

One of only three of the seven DeLoreans used in the trilogy to survive, it was of course fitted with a flux capacitor and fuelled by plutonium,  ready to travel through time when it reached a speed of 88mph.

For fans with slightly less cash to burn, the legendary hoverboard, which featured in Back to the Future Part II, is also on sale and estimated to fetch up to $20,000 (£12,800!)  Marty's jacket and the shirt worn by his legendary mentor, Doc Brown are also up for grabs.

The auction is being held to raise money for Michael J Fox's Foundation for Parkinson's Research, Fox who played Marty Mc Fly in the awesome movie trilogy went public with his own battle with Parkinson's in 1998 after he was diagnosed seven years previously.

The auction, which will include other items of film memorabilia including a pair of Wizard of Oz ruby slippers, will take place December 15 to 17 so if you're prepared to dig pretty damn deep, keep your eye on the auction site here as more details will be revealed soon.

If however (like us,) these amazing pieces of movie memorabilia are sadly out of reach, never fear! Luckily, you can get your very own little piece of Back To The Future for just £5.99 right here on!

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October 7th 2011

The Big Fat Weekend Sofa Movie Challenge

If like me, you're bored to the back teeth of trashy reality T.V then boy have we got a treat for you this weekend! Prepare to cosy up with us TruffleShufflers on the sofa and veg out big time out for a  full on old school movie master class.

Yes, I’ve quite literally challenged myself to watch as many retro movies as possible over the coming weekend. Don't worry - I've only chosen movies available on freeview or terrestrial channels so everyone can join in with my square eyed extravaganza.

The amount of awesome movies on the old telly box is quite frankly incredible so here's my very own old school TV guide for your viewing pleasure!


As most normal people don’t get out of bed on a Saturday before Noon, I'm starting with James Bond Live and Let Die which is on ITV4 at 12:30 - 3:00pm!

Here's a taster of that famous crocodile scene to wet your appetite...

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September 12th 2011

Great Scott! Back for the Future???

Being a child of the 80s meant that I grew up being 'WOWed' by a whole host of amazing movies such as Goonies, E.T, Labyrinth and Ghostbusters. But there is one movie that I watched so much I managed to wear out the VHS tape, this movie was Back to the Future 2.

If you haven't ever seen Back to the Future 2, where have you been?

The story is about a character called Marty McFly who has only just got back from the past (Back to the Future), when he is picked up by Dr. Emmett Brown in his DeLorean time machine and sent through time to the future, 2015 to be precise. Marty's job in the future is to pose as his son to prevent him being thrown in prison. Unfortunately, things get worse when the future changes the present. Check out the original trailer below...

Being a car and gadget obsessed youngster there were a whole host of reasons to make me excited about this movie, the DeLorean time machine now being able to fly, Hover Boards, pretty much everything to do with 2015 (The future looks amazing) but there is one thing in this movie I remember wanting more than anything else. Marty McFly's Nike Sneakers! The light-up emblem and power laces blew me away. These are the best shoes never made....

Not any more..... 22 years later and Nike have (kind of) made my dreams come true with the 2011 Nike MAG....

Nike MAG Sneakers

Want to know more about these famous sneaks? Well, The glowing LED panel is there as is the electroluminescent NIKE logo on the strap. The foam support in the ankle and toe box have been increased for comfort which differs from the original in the “Back to the Future” movie. The MAG can be illuminated by pinching the corner of the high top. The feature itself makes it the first rechargeable footwear from Nike. Each shoe holds a five hour charge.

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