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August 26th 2017

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 256

Boxes and bubble wrap! Another retro movie weekend is here!

With a full weekend ahead of packing, shifting and unpacking, we will move all our worldly possessions to our new venture. Leaving behind memories, a few bad smells and probably that spoon the went missing a while back, we will set sail into the next ocean of life as we move from humble beginnings onto ventures new.

SATURDAY 26th August


The Dark Crystal (1982) Film4 11:00am-1:00pm (2 hours)

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July 7th 2017

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 249

Crisps and dip at the ready! It's another retro movie filled weekend folks. Let's tuck in...

Like many of you retro movie lovers in the land, we spend a lot of our time waiting for a special delivery. Sometimes it's some classic retro 80s clothing, sometimes it's that new tap you're had to replace (exciting!), however sometimes, juuuust sometimes it's something a whole lot more amazing and wondiferous! When it arrives, you're so excited and relieved that you completely forget all the drama, heartache and frustration that came in the moments before. Being completely overwhelmed with emotions and joy at the sight of your shiny new thing and what it will mean. Some deliveries are good, some a great and some are simply the best things ever...

Have a happy retro weekend!



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May 12th 2017

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 241

Bluebells and sunny spells! Another retro movie weekend is here which means.... time for some retro movie goodness!

Setting sail into the vast infinity of the deep blue sea, we find ourselves at the simple beginnings of what could quite be the journey of a lifetime. With ration sacks bulging and water receptacles sealed and tight, we slowly begin to drift away from the certainty of the land as we aim our craft into the unknown to take on all that may lay before us. Will we find old and forgotten lands? Will we just end up going in a circle and end up where we began? Let's find out!

Have a happy retro weekend!



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May 1st 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 145

Pie and gravy! It's the weekend!

Sitting down in a nice quiet corner of our local public house, we'll set up base camp before gazing over the full collection of delicious meals that await us. After ummm-ing and ahhh-ing between some of our favourte dishes, we'll take the plunge and order at the bar, bringing back a selection of the finest local ales. Gazing over the hustle and bustle of our surroundings, we'll wind away the day as content as can be before heading home to watch some of the weekends top retro films. Bliss!

Have a happy retro weekend!



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