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July 28th 2017

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 252

Cor blimey governor! Another retro movie weekend so soon? We'd better hop to it!

Shouting it out loud and proud like an old timey Victorian street trader, we'll dig out, wash off and proudly display our fresh batch of retro movie goodies. Roll up, roll up... classic movies for all! Shouting louder than our market competition, we'll put only the best ones at the front and make sure they shine bright to any passers by.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 29th July


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May 19th 2017

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 242

Holy smokes Batman! Another retro movie weekend is here and boy are we excited!

Kicking down the door of our local Blockbusters (metaphorically), we find ourselves faced with a entire plethora of awesome retro movies just waiting to be released and enjoyed. Walking the isles, we gaze across the start-studded covers with all their promise or action, romance and of course some cracking one liners. After carefully selecting our weekend fill, we'll slam our membership card on the desk before smoothly walking away in what felt like slow motion and through the fog. We will be back...

Have a happy retro weekend!



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January 13th 2017

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 227

Flurry and slush! Another retro movie weekend is before us and boy is it a beauty!

Waking up bright and early like the many days before, we slowly ease ourselves into the day with a hot cuppa and a cold milky bowl of something sweet. Stretching out the front door into the bitter cold and blistery winds, we are greeted with what we would describe as the worlds most iced up windscreen ever. Chipping and scraping away at the stubborn cold layer of doom, we'll begin to see our efforts pay off and just in time before all feeling from our hands is lost.

Have a happy retro weekend!



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November 29th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 126

Icarus’ wings! We do love the weekend.

So like a big old bucket full of multi coloured Lego let us be your helping hands as we use our infinite imagination and skill to build you a kaleidoscopic wonderland of retro delight and nostalgic movie masterpieces.

Have a happy retro weekend!



Small Soldiers (1998) 1:20pm ITV2 130 minutes

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