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September 7th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 18!

Poseidon's Trident! It's been three weeks since my last confession, I mean Movie Rundown! First came the great flood and then I went on me holibobs for two weeks but you'll be glad to know all I did was laze about in my pants watching films ;-) You'll be less than thrilled to know that the movies I watched were the likes of “Mega Shark V's Giant Octopus” and “Two Headed Shark Attack" both brilliantly terrible films you're sure to agree so I watched them twice (totally deserve an Oscar!)

Also I'm to believe that someone else took over my duties as "Captain Film Dude" (official title - I have a badge and everything) and probably suggested you watched “Spiderman” and “Transformers” for three weeks! That menacing doppelganger must be stopped.

Never the less I'm back so that must mean it's the weekend Hooray! for us. So like the blistering hot sun showering us with rays of golden retro joyfulness as we stand buried waist deep in sand on a beautiful tropical beach let us be your bucket and spade and build you a nostalgic movie masterpiece.

Happy retro weekend folks :-)


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) ITV2 6:55pm-9:10pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

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July 27th 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 14!

Happy weekend everybody - The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray, the sun has got his hat on and he's coming out to play! I do like the idea of the sun wearing a hat but why does he need one?!

There are a multitude of cinematic pleasures available for your viewing pleasure this weekend. Like an ocean full of fabulous flamboyantly coloured tropical fish, we're merely bobbing gently along with the current sat comfortably in one of those inflatable chairs with the cup holders - in one hand, sipping through a straw a lovely cold margarita with an umbrella in it and in the other a fishing net ready to pluck out the beautiful retro movie goodness. Olympics! What Olympics?!

Whatever you get up to this weekend enjoy yourselves and have a happy retro weekend :-)


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) GOLD 2:20pm-4:40pm (2 hours 20 minutes)

A thoroughly ordinary man is hurled into an intergalactic adventure when the Earth is destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Luckily, his friend, who turns out to be an alien, gives him a handy travel guide to help him make sense of the strange universe. Sci-fi comedy based on Douglas Adams' classic series, with Martin Freeman, Bill Nighy, Mos Def, Zooey Deschanel and Sam Rockwell. Stephen Fry is the guide's narrator

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March 12th 2012

My Top 5 Movie Tees

As you may imagine, when people find out I work at T-Shirt emporium, the first question I'm asked are which are my favourite designs.

Being a self confessed 80's movie buff, I have a particular soft spot for our 80's Movie T-Shirts so I couldn't resist running down my top 5 for you.


1. Dark Crystal Movie T-Shirts

Men's Black The Dark Crystal Skeksis T-Shirt £25.99

Inspired of course by one of the best Jim Henson films of my childhood, this awesome The Dark Crystal design is a great way to remember the legendary 80's fantasy flick that terrified and amazed in equal measures. One minute I'd be wide eyed in a world of beautiful fantasy and adventure and the next it would have me hiding behind my pillow from the Evil Skeksis, the bad guys of the film who looked like giant, skeletal crows who'd been dressed in rotting flesh. Imported especially from the US of A, not only do I love this because it pays homage to one of my childhood classics but also because it's one of our rarer designs, only available in limited numbers so you're unlikely to see anyone else walking down the street in the same tee as you.  Always a bonus.

2. Ghostbusters Movie T-Shirts

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November 17th 2011

Top Gifts for Boyfriends

Christmas is creeping ever closer and I’m sure some of you out there are already panicking about what special gifts you can get for the man in your life but fear not because I'm here to help with my handpicked selection of great gifts for boyfriends.

We’ve come up with our very own Gift Finder which is perfect for tweaking your search to help find the exact sort of gift he’ll love.  Going out with a Rock God, a Movie Buff or even a wannabe Superhero?  We have loads of great gifts perfect for his tastes, give it a try here!

Being a bit of a retro gamer geek myself I know I would personally love to receive some of these old skool treats that would remind me of the great computer games from my youth.

Check out our awesome Tetris Heat Change Mug that changes appearance with the heat of your cuppa!  And what about these gaming treats, our Pac-Man Alarm Clock, super popular Pac-Man Belt and my personal favourite this Sesame Street Invaders T-Shirt which puts the Sesame Street gang into the world of Space Invaders - all great gift ideas for gaming geeks!

Maybe your boyfriend is a bit of a Movie Buff, in which case we’re sure he will love some of these great film T-shirts.

See Bowie do his thing with the Dance Magic Dance Labyrinth Poster T-Shirt, pay tribute to Ghostbusters with this Don’t Cross The Streams T-Shirt, Star Wars fans will love the Boxing Stormtroopers Photographic T-Shirt and our Gizzy is the Shizzy T-Shirt is just perfect if he’s a Gremlins fan.  A great selection of classic movie tees!

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October 22nd 2011

Spooky Tees!

To get into the true spirit of Halloween, I have picked out my favourite spooky Halloween TShirts. For those who are not brave enough for full-on fancy dress, have no party to go to or are  just too damn cool, these beauties which encompass the themes of horror, ghosts and ghouls and vampires are sure to get your juices flowing!

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October 18th 2011

Obsessively Awesome or a Tat Too Far?

TMNT Krang Stomach Tattoo

I got sent this picture on Facebook the other day as I was wasting away my Sunday with the hope of someone turning up at my door with a hot Roast dinner in hand to cure my hangover.

It made me laugh as it's an awesome idea for a tattoo and in an absolutely perfect position but it got me thinking, just how far are my fellow tat fans prepared to go to show their love for their ultimate pop culture icons?

I didn't have to look hard - appears there are a whole host of fellow nostalgia fans out there who will go pretty damn far in their quest to show their appreciation for all things old school. Here's a few of my favourites.

Nintendo sleeve (plus Megatron!)

This full sleeve is made up mostly of Nintendo characters with Megatron randomly chucked in (apparently he was there before the owner of said tattoo decided to go all out with a full sleeve.) Not being a Mario fan as a kid, I guess I always wanted Megatron to turn up at Bowsers castle and show Mario how you start a ruckus so this definitely floats my boat.

Muppets Tattoo

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