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August 23rd 2013

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 65

Yoinks! It's weekend time hurray!

So, overlooking a scrap heap full of old rusting spring beds, corrugated iron roofing and crushed up blocks of unrecognisable cars. Let us be your Iron Giant, standing higher than your Nana’s house with a head bigger than a citron 2cv with eyes that shoot beams of light like Mulder and Scully's torches from the X-Files and hands like J.C.B diggers. Let's sift through the wreckage for retro movie mayhem so we can chomp down on great metal chunks of cinematic greatness to fill our robotic hunger for celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 25th August

Problem Child (1990) ITV London 1:25pm-3:00pm (1 hour 35 minutes)

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April 30th 2013

Macaulay Culkin Rocks Bristols Thekla!

We've just heard some pretty spectacular news here at Truffle Towers...while we're usually pretty hot on this stuff, this one has been slow to get to us so we apologize :) Anywho, it appears that 80s child sensation and the kid we all wanted to fact still to..came to TruffleShuffles hometown Bristol just a few weeks ago!

Child star was seen belting out Kokomo, when he took to the stage as Adam Green’s special guest much to the surprise of the gig goers.

A spokesperson for the iconic Bristol venue Thekla, where the remarkable event happened, told papers: ‘He just turned up as a surprise guest. Adam said we’d recognise him from Home Alone, but still nobody believed it. When he got on stage it was surreal at first, then people started realising it was him.’

Adam then hugged his famous pal before the duo began singing Kokomo together. Admittedly, we're of course green with envy that we missed this as we'd love to meet our childhood hero for a few extra home security tips at the very least.

Check out this little clip...

Well who'd have thunk it huh! Even more reason for us to get out our awesome Home Alone T-Shirts and show some love in our own special way. Take a look at our designs below...

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May 3rd 2013

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 50!

Mr Cadbury’s Parrot! It must be a massively massive mighty morphing mayday bank holiday weekend!

So like a spring time garden adorned by happy little gnomes on toadstools. let us be your jolly fat frog sat a float on a lily pad in the middle of a murky pond as we try and catch juicy flies of retro cinematic awesomeness bathe in the sunshine of mega movie greatness and paddle in the waters celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!


Home Alone (1990) Film4 3:10pm-5:10pm (2 hours )

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January 31st 2013

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Home Alone

Being such huuuuge fans of retro movies, we of course love nothing more than to kick back in our very own Home Alone T-Shirts, put our feet up and watch one of our all time favourite kids films Home Alone.

Every kid wanted to be him, cheeky, lovable, and the ability to effortlessly get one over any meddling adult who put him to the test. To help spread the Home Alone love, we thought we would share some fab little facts we recently discovered out this cult kids film. Take a peek!

Kevin's classic retro toy The Talkboy was originally created as a non-working prop for use in the film. Later in 1993 it was made into a retail version, brought on by a massive letter-writing campaign by young fans of the film who wanted the real thing.

John Candy amazingly filmed his part in just 1 day, a very long 23-hour day that is! The story about having once forgotten his son at a funeral home was entirely improvised. His part is obviously inspired by the character he played in Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

Daniel Stern agreed to have the tarantula put on his face for exactly one take. He had to mime screaming because the noise would have scared the spider, and the scream was dubbed in later.

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December 22nd 2012

Make This Christmas a Retro Christmas!

Are you looking to make your Christmas a little more retro? Of course you are! Below I have put together some ideas on how you can have an awesome retro Christmas.


Everyone loves a movie at Christmas, why not sit back and enjoy some classic retro movie films with your family and friends. Our recommendations are:

National Lampoons Xmas Vacation - It's Christmas time and the Griswolds are preparing for a family seasonal celebration, but things never run smoothly for Clark, his wife Ellen and their two kids. Clark's continual bad luck is worsened by his obnoxious family guests, but he manages to keep going knowing that his Christmas bonus is due soon.

Home AloneHome Alone - It is Christmas time and the McAllister family is preparing for a vacation in Paris, France. But the youngest in the family named Kevin got into a scuffle with his older brother Buzz and was sent to his room which is on the third floor of his house. Then, the next morning, while the rest of the family was in a rush to make it to the airport on time, they completely forgot about Kevin who now has the house all to himself. Being home alone was fun for Kevin, having a pizza all to himself, jumping on his parents' bed, and making a mess. Then, Kevin discovers about two burglars, Harry and Marv, about to rob his house on Christmas Eve. Kevin acts quickly by wiring his own house with makeshift booby traps to stop the burglars and to bring them to justice.

A Charlie Brown Christmas - When Charlie Brown complains about the overwhelming materialism that he sees amongst everyone during the Christmas season, Lucy suggests that he become director of the school Christmas paegent. Charlie Brown accepts, but it proves to be a frustrating struggle. When an attempt to restore the proper spirit with a forlorn little fir Christmas tree fails, he needs Linus' help to learn what the real meaning of Christmas is.

Miracle On 34th Street - At the Macy's Department Store Thanksgiving Day parade, the actor playing Santa is discovered to be drunk by a whiskered old man. Doris Walker, the no nonsense special events director, persuades the old man to take his place. The old man proves to be a sensation and is quickly recruited to be the store Santa at the main Macy's outlet. While he is successful, Ms. Walker learns that he calls himself Kris Kringle and he claims to be the actual Santa Claus. Despite reassurances by Kringle's doctor that he is harmless, Doris still has misgivings, especially when she has cynically trained herself, and especially her daughter, Susan, to reject all notions of belief and fantasy. And yet, people, especially Susan, begin to notice there is something special about Kris and his determination to advance the true spirit of Christmas amidst the rampant commercialism around him and succeeding in improbable ways...

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December 21st 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 34!

Santa Claus is coming to town! It must be the bumper Christmas edition of the retro movie rundown - Ho ho ho!

So like a primary school nativity with little mites dressed like shepherds, their mothers tea towels wrapped around their heads, as a wee little Mary rocks back and forth a Tiny Tears baby Jesus and a cheeky Joseph sneakily lodges his index finger into his own nose - let us be your wise men three as we bring to you gifts of cinematic greatness, retro celluloid awesomeness and festive movie magic gold.

Have a very festive Retro Christmas! :-)


Weekend at Bernie's (1989) ITV4 1:45pm-3:45pm (2 hours)

Two aspiring accountants are invited to their playboy boss's beach house, only to discover he has been murdered - setting the scene for all manner of comic complications as they try to convince everyone he is still alive. Slapstick comedy, starring Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Silverman, Catherine Mary Stewart, Don Calfa and Terry Kiser.

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