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March 13th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 139

Hot Potato! Looks like it's the Weekend!

So as we venture fourth into the unknown, choppy, shark infested waters off the Florida keys, let us be your hard nosed, chiseled featured, big game fisherman as we prepare our tackle box for the might of mega movie mayhem. We'll cast of our lines into an ocean of cinematic awesomeness to catch the almost mythical sea beast that is celluloid wonder!

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 14th March


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March 6th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 138

Hot rubber on the road! Is it really the weekend? Yeeeesh!

With our big engine purring as smooth as a sleeping kitten, we'll climb about our big rig into the huge comfy seat as we gaze over the feet of metal in front of us that covers the hot power plant that will soon be pulling us swiftly down the road. Shifting through the many gears, we'll cover ground and discover distant lands like a boat sailing the seven seas before after many hours over the tarmac sea we reach our destination and can finally deliver our much anticipated load from the small warehouse of a trailer.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 7th March


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February 27th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 137

Due South of the forest! It's really the weekend so soon?

You betcha! Like a proud and noble Canadian Mountie, we'll be riding our trusty steed full speed into the weekend's retro movie awesomeness! We'll be Maintiens le droit (Defending the Law) at each step of the way as we ride through far and distant lands, helping those in need as we go before stopping to breath in the celluloid wonder of the vast and majestic landscape.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 28th February


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February 13th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 136

Spanner in the works! Is it really the weekend so soon??

So like a humble, experienced and ever hard-working mechanic, we'll be searching through the tools of the trade before getting to work on fixing all of the weekend's oily woes. Making sure everything is bolted tight and greased up, we'll be sending our trusty retro moviemobile on its way through the weekend to delivery it's boot full of 80s and 90s movie awesomeness across the internet.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 14th February


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Sky Movies Disney HD 11:40am-1:10pm (1 hour 30 minutes)

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January 25th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 133

Captain Planet! It's only the weekend again!

Like an iconic retro superhero, we're stalking the shadows remaining ever present but mostly unseen as we put our plans into action and become the frontier in the battle between good and evil. We'll swoop down and save those in need, capture the bad guys all the while concealing our identity and remain a figure of legend whose selfless efforts are never claimed and rewarded.

We'll become the figure for all to rely on in times of need, all the while the population will hunt for our identity and attempt to capture us onto celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 24th January


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January 16th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 132

Captain Blackbeard! The weekend is in sight and we're ready for docking!

With a strong and able crew at the ready, we're setting sail into the vast emptiness of the oceans. With the great gusts fulling our sales fit to burst, we'll be heading straight into the weekend with a song in our heart and the thought of the great treasure to be found in our minds. We'll take no prisoners on our quest for retro movie greatness, only pausing to gaze of the magnificent celluloid wonder that spills out of the stuffed chests.

Have a happy retro weekend!

SATURDAY 17th January


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