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January 10th 2023

Our Latest Vintage T-Shirts Guaranteed To Shake Up Your Outfit

As huge lovers of all things old-school cool and enjoying nothing more than getting to spread our love for the iconic and totally timeless movies, TV shows, music and cartoons we grew up with and beyond, we're always working to bring you the best collection of vintage t-shirts and clothing that we know will totally rock your style.

About as far removed from the world of fast fashion as you can get, we make sure our ever-growing collection of retro t-shirts will stand the test of time because... well they already have!

A totally sure-fire way to shake up your style and inject some old-school cool into your collection, check out our latest range of awesome vintage tees featuring some totally iconic brands, titles, characters and more.

Kellogg's Frosties They're Great Tony Tiger Natural T-Shirt

After something truly Grrrrreat? (couldn't resist) Then grab a spoon and get stuck into our latest Kellogg's Frosties Tony Tiger T-Shirt.  A total household name and a vintage icon who's been on the breakfast table since the 50s, share your love for classic branding and awesome taste in brekkie!

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July 5th 2015

10 Things You [Probably] Didn't Know About…Kellogg's

For as long as we'd like to remember, each morning we've been joined around the breakfast table by one special brand....Kellogg's!

Creators of some of the most iconic cereals and adjoining characters, Kellogg's have been the boys to beat in the cereal game and are as much a household staple now as they have been for the last 100 years.

Inspired by their greatness and of course our fond memories through the years of some of our favourite bowls of retro deliciousness, we've just gotten our hands on some amazing new Kellogg's merchandise including notebooks, lip balms, keyrings, erasers and much much more!

To help really get into the spirit, we've decided to base one of our classic 10 Things You Didn't Know About… blog posts on this food icon. Hopefully you'll also get to learn some pretty cool facts along the way too. Enjoy!

1- Kellogg's has been to the moon! Yep the Apollo 11 astronauts brought a Kellogg cereal to the moon, as part of their breakfasts during the mission.

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March 15th 2015

Cereal-sly Cool New Coco Pops T-Shirts Now In...

For us, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Not for the reasons you might think like getting a boost of energy for the day or even getting to wake up nice and gently but just for the fact that we get to dig into some of our all-time favourite cereals!

Perhaps it's a nostalgia thing, like when we were little nippers heading off to school and getting to have a nice bowl of tastiness in front of the morning's cartoons. Bliss! Naturally on top of the menu was the delights from Kellogg's, the true kinds of breakfast with treats like Coco Pops, Rice Krispies and perhaps even Fruit Loops. Generally we had whatever toy looked the best at the time.

Personally, things in the morning didn't get much better than our trusty Coco Pops! Not only were they amazing to eat, by we had a dessert breakfast in the form of and amazing chocolate milkshake right at the end. Too cool!

Loving all things from our childhood and bringing them into today, we just had to set to work creating some funky new and totally exclusive Coco Pops T-shirts featuring their iconic monkey. Take a peep at our latest handy work....

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March 2nd 2015

Don't Forget! 15th March = Mothers Day: Top Gifts For Her....

Shock horror! Yep it’s nearly that time again already!

Creeping up on us each year, Mother's day is the perfect time for all of us little prince and princesses to show just how much we love our mums and of course pick up some little treats for her on her special day!

This year to help you avoid those last minute IOU’s, belated gifts, or even panic buying on the day when all the good stuff has already gone, we've put together a little something together to help give you some inspiration and also just as a heads up for the big day.

Check out some gifts we’ve picked out which we think would make a great gift for her on the special day in our Mothers Day Gift Guide!


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December 9th 2014

Exclusive Vintage Kelloggs T-Shirts Now In!

They're here folks!

Grab a bowl, grab a spoon and take a big healthy portion of our exclusive new Kellogg's T-Shirts inspired by some of the most iconic cereals ever made!

We've teamed up with he amazing people at Kellogg's to create some fab new designs that ooze the vintage style and flavour of the morning meals we all grew up with.

However you like yours, swimming in milky goodness, crunchy or perhaps with a healthy - ahem - sprinkle of sugar on (that's us), we're sure our exciting new range will hit the spot with any fan. Take a peep!

Talk about a cereal-sly nice t-shirt! They just don't make em' like they used to, huh? If you're looking to flaunt some old skool appreciation for the breakfast of champions then look no further than our exclusive new Frosties T-Shirts!

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