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November 8th 2011

Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi – I need Gifts For Star Wars fans!

Christmas is just around the corner which means if you're anything like us, you've started racking your brains for great Christmas Gift Ideas!

A brilliant idea is to treat your loved one to a gift inspired by their favourite film so we figured we'd share some of our favourite pieces from our huge range of gifts for Star Wars fans - the perfect treat for anyone who loves the classic movie franchise to find under the tree!

First up is our Star Wars A New Hope Mug and Tin Set

Star Wars A New Hope Mug and Tin Set £12.99

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, fans of the original 1977 film, Star Wars: A New Hope wee getting their light sabres in a twist over this cracking collectable mug and tin set. As well as an official ceramic Star Wars mug, you also get a handy stash tin decorated with matching imagery from the epic movie. At only £12.99, this brilliant set would make an ideal Stocking Filler for any Star Wars fan!

Star Wars R2D2 Projection Alarm Clock £33.99

Everyone wants their own R2D2 so what better way to wake up in the morning than with this talking R2D2 alarm clock. One of the most famous robots in movie history, R2-D2's computing vocals are unmistakable and this wicked official Star Wars alarm clock re-creates these sounds perfectly! The clock also features the time as a light projection. Perfect for putting a smile on the face of your favourite Star Wars fan this Christmas!

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September 13th 2011

Return to the Goblin City, our new Labyrinth collection!

It’s been an exciting week here at Truffle Towers, mainly thanks to the long awaited launch of our brand new, official and exclusive range of Labyrinth T-shirts. It’s something we’ve wanted to be able to represent on the site for what feels like years so getting the opportunity to work closely with the amazing Jim Henson Company to create our very own tribute range has been totally awesome in every way. We’ve been tweaking and perfecting this collection over the last few months so it’s been such a great feeling to finally unleash the tees to all you TruffleShufflers and we are so happy with the fantastic response they’ve all received!

As one of the designers of the range, it was a great experience to return to the fantastical world of the Goblin City and really get under the skin of one of the all-time ultimate 80’s classics! We started with David Bowie and his genius turn as the Goblin King Jareth and we were of course inspired by his outrageous fashion (those skin tight leggings made a particularly big impression…) and the ultra catchy song from the film (Dance Magic Dance!). After playing with lots of ideas, we plumped for a really cool flyer style design for what would clearly be the coolest club night in the world! Check it out below….

We also had to feature Ludo, the bumbling best friend we wish we all had, and of course that cute cheeky worm who was always around to say “Ello!”

Although we knew you guys loved the worm as much as we did, even we were surprised by just how much – this design pretty much sold out after 24 hours on the site and has even been snapped up by the fabulous Una Healy from The Saturdays who even tweeted a pic of her wearing it!

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September 6th 2011

Who Ya Gonna Call?

This week we've just launched a brand new collection of Ghostbusters T-shirts from Fame and Fortune.  Of course this got everyone in the office buzzing, but I was most excited of all cause designing these Tees was my first ever project for TruffleShuffle!  Seeing the final results of my work is such a great feeling and it took me back to when I had just started working here as a designer.  For me there couldn’t have been a more perfect starting point as I am a huge fan of the classic film, I remember that I couldn’t wait to get started!

The first step towards building a new collection of tees is to really research your subject, so luckily for me it was the perfect opportunity to spend an evening in and watch the film again for the 100th time, any excuse will do!  I knew there were a number of bases I had to cover, everyone loves Stay Puft, Slimer is a definite and we really wanted to see the Ecto-1, but it was really useful (and fun) to see the film again as it refreshed my mind and reminded me of some really classic catchphrases and scenes.  It was the best way to get me back in the Ghostbusting state of mind!

As well as the ultra popular “Who ya gonna call?” and “I ain’t afraid of no ghost” I loved the phrases “Don’t cross the streams” and “When the light is green the trap is clean” and was determined to get them included on one of the tees!

I also included the Ghostbusters Montage design to show our four heroes fighting against some of the monsters from the film as well as a special appearance from the ghost best know from the films main logo!

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June 30th 2011

Autobots roll out......

If like me you were tranform-erly (is that a word?) neglected as a child because ones parents realised Transformers was a massive marketing ploy by Hasbro to get kids to buy toys and therefore your only transformer was a cheap market knock off 'Santa' got you for Xmas (I never realised Santa was a tight wad), then you'll be pretty excited about the upcoming Transformers dark of the moon movie which is released THIS WEEK!

I know for a fact I am. After watching the first 2 movies without blinking once, I can confirm they were every adult Transformers fans dream (well mine anyway!) I swear I was clinically blinded by all the explosions followed closely by a near motorcycle accident on the way home because I was willing my bike to turn into a giant robot (in case you were wondering, I wanted it to be a decepticon which I’d name Bones and we’d be awesome together OK.)

Therefore, I’m expecting more explosions, lasers, guns, giant robots and a few more explosions followed closely by bleeding eyeballs and fits of epilepsy when I leave the cinema for the third instalment of the hugely popular franchise. If that happens, I'll be a happy boy! If it doesn't, those Autobots had better watch out.

Reviews have been mixed so far with The Daily Mail saying

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