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Posts  >  Tag: TruffleShuffle

December 24th 2014

The TruffleShuffle Xmas Opening Hours/Days 2014

Merry Christmas everyone! It's finally arrived! We're sure by now many of you have been busy with friends and family getting all excited about a day full of food, films and presents and of course the odd drink or three. :)

As many of you know already, we've had a fantastic year and an even better few weeks with Christmas music on the go, decorations and even our fair share of dodgy Christmas Jumpers! We're all officially shattered and will be taking a little time off for a few days. That’s right! Even the warehouse Superheroes need a little break sometimes!

We’ll be back in work 9am Monday the 29th to answer any of your questions – otherwise, please just pop us an email at and we’ll get back to you the second we’re back at our desks!

Hope to see you back with us next year and have a fantastic few days!

TruffleShuffle Christmas Opening Dates/Times...

Thur 25th December CLOSED

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January 1st 2015

Happy New Year! Our 2014 Resolutions Revisted….See How We did!

Happy New Year everyone!!

Firstly, we'd just like to say the biggest and most heartfelt THANK YOU to each and everyone one of you who placed and order, shared our products, got in touch, or even followed us on social media! We had such and amazing year and it really wouldn't have been possible without all the people out there placing orders and generally being awesome!

So! Mushy stuff out the way :) we thought we would kick-start another year of the TruffleShuffle blog just as we did last year with a little look at some of our resolutions, however this time we've decided to put some of the TruffleShufflers on the spot and find out how they did achieving some of their very own New Years resolutions they created last year (HERE).

Below are some of our resolutions and a little update on how each person did and some advice for making your own resolutions. Enjoy!

Amy:“To catch up with the 21st Century and watch Breaking Bad, Big Bang Theory, Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones!”

Result: I tried! I need to find time to finish Breaking Bad and will hopefully be enjoying Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones in 2015 – by which time the next new thing will have arrived for me to catch up with! Someone give me a heads up early so I can watch with the rest of the world :)

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November 26th 2014

Last Posting Dates For International Deliveries 2014

Royal Mail

International Deliveries?

Christmas is fast approaching and we just wanted to ensure any deliveries you are sending Internationally will arrive in time for the big day. Please pay careful attention to our International last posting dates to be sure you receive your exciting goodies with time to get them all wrapped and under the tree!

Check our last posting dates to receive

your order in time for Christmas...

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November 12th 2014

Get Your Gamer Geek On With Our Exclusive New Tees!

Here at TruffleShuffle, it's no secret but we're HUGE game fans! For as long as we can remember we've been obsessed with playing some of the most classic games around, right up to getting stuck into the latest titles whether that's at home with friends, on the train, or one of those lost days at home alone.

Naturally, you can't best the classics and when it comes to classics, it's pretty hard not to mention some of the simply amazing and iconic games from Atari and Nintendo!

Back in the day (yep we're that old now), to be anyone you HAD to have a console. Simple as that. Whether it was an Arari,  NES, a SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System), Gameboy or later a N64 or Playstation, this was the ultimate way to pass the time and many of the games for these platforms are still considered to some of the best ever made!

Naturally as huge fans and getting to design our very own exclusive T-Shirts, our two great loves have combined and created some amazing new designs complete with our vintage looks and style of course.

Introducing our cool new Classically Trained T-Shirts!

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September 4th 2014

Hey You Guys! Exclusive New Goonies T-Shirts Now In...

If like us you were born in one of the best decades ever (not that we're biased of course), you fell instantly in love with Mikey, Chunk, Mouth and Data when they hit the scene and took us on one of the best adventures ever way back in 1985.

Since the very first car chase scene and introductions to these iconic characters, we were hooked. We all had our favourites and all wanted to go for a quick explore in the loft to see what treasure we could find to start our very own adventures. Who knows what's up there other then a box of Christmas decorations and and old hoover right?!

As many of you may have spotted, we love the Goonies! So much we even named ourselves after it over ten years ago and this cheeky title is a constant reminder of our roots and what inspired some of bestselling and all-time favourite t shirt designs to date!

Sticking close to our hearts and of course helping to spread the love for one of the greatest films of the 80s, we've been busy working away on some amazing new and exclusive Goonies T-Shirts and vests! Take a peep at some of our latest handy work....

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