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August 6th 2013

You Know You Grew Up In The 80s If...

As specialists in the finest 80s clothing on the web (yes I'm biased!) it's actually part of our job description to spend a good hour or two daydreaming of the greatest era ever every day.  Growing up in the Eighties was a real treat and installed in us the knowledge to make some of the greatest retro tees just for you lucky guys!  So take a couple of minutes out from your busy day to reminisce with me, You know you grew up in the 80s if...

...Saturday mornings were spent watching Going Live, wishing you had your own Gordon the Gopher.

...Your ideal classmate would have been Tucker Jenkins from Grange Hill.

...You had a hairstyle inspired by King of Mullets Pat Sharp.

Pat Sharp

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March 13th 2013

Top Geeks of the 80s!

Everyone loves a good geek, whether you can simply marvel at their genius, or smile at their quirky geeky ways they never fail to intrigue and entertain us on the big and small screens.

With the geek clothing scene these days bigger than ever, it seems revealing you inner nerd has never been cooler. Modern day screen heroes are more and more not the all-out amazing lead roles, but increasingly the cooky sidekick that can out gadget and out think any challenge. With some amazing new characters hitting the big time recently such as the new Dr Who, BBC Sherlock series and Q from James Bond played by Ben Whishaw, we thought we would take the time to appreciate the geeks of old with our Top Geeks of the 80s list!

Anthony Michael Hall in everything from 1982 to 1985

Best known for his roles as The Geek in 'Sixteen Candles,' Brian Johnson in 'The Breakfast Club,' Garry Wallace in 'Weird Science', Anthony is well known and loved by all retro film lovers in the land and we're sure everyone has a little bit of his characters inside them. Geeky but cool!

David Lightman in 'WarGames' (1983)

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April 5th 2013

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 47!

Days of thunder! Hooray for the weekend!

So like the prehistoric Ice Age set on a snowy landscape amongst a herd of great woolly mammoths, let us be your group of storm hardened cave men dressed in the fur of the sabre toothed tiger as we go hunting for mega movie awesomeness,  gather retro cinematic greatness and set a light to classic celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend! :-)


Short Circuit (1986) Syfy 3:00pm-5:00pm (2 hours)

A military robot is struck by lightning and develops a mind of its own. The machine embarks on a series of comic misadventures, but the company that made him want him back. He realises his only hope is to convince the scientist who invented him that he really is alive. Sci-fi comedy adventure, starring Steve Guttenberg, Ally Sheedy and Fisher Stevens.

Mannequin (1987) 5* 5:15pm-7:00pm (1 hour 45 minutes)

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January 26th 2013

Introducing Urban Species exciting new collaborations!

We are very proud to present two of Urban Species brand new collaborations, they have designed exciting new ranges with esteemed artist Sidney Maurer and iconic publication Life Magazine. Released together these fab new Urban Species T-Shirts celebrate famous Hollywood, Sports and Music icons as well as nostalgic 90's pop culture. I'll give a quick run down of these brand new tees.

Girls wanted to get with him, guys wanted to be him, Johnny Depp was the epitome of cool in the 80's and 90's (and still is in our opinion!). This awesome tee, celebrates this icon against a jazzy 90's background and is part of the new Life Magazine collection for Urban Species.

This great, new, vintage style tee from the Life Magazine collection for Urban Species celebrates the genius of one of America's greatest musicians, Johnny Cash who brought us such cult classics as, I Walk The Line and Ring Of Fire.

Will Smith was where is was at in the 80's and 90's. Not only was he hot, cool and funny, he had a starring role in US comedy Fresh Prince Of Bel Air and a penchant for rapping alongside Jazzy Jeff. What a treat this Urban Species tee is, from their Life Magazine collection, we are loving the 90's style design which shows Will off to a tee!

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June 1st 2012

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 6!

Ah! Sunshine, you come and go like a chirpy little yellow sparrow and if you wish to stay a little longer that would be just divine!

If your sunburn has forced you stay indoors this weekend and I know someone out there is suffering, do not worry there’s a cornucopia of nostalgia on your telebox. This weeks Retro Movie Rundown is strangely full of crazy baby antics, little blue people, more caveman action and includes the Fresh Prince and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys, Bad Boys, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you?!

We really hope you enjoy this weekends selection - have a happy retro weekend :-)


Look Who's Talking (1989) Watch 6:10pm-8:00pm (1 hour 50 minutes)

Pregnant Molly is dumped by her boyfriend, and sets out after the baby's birth to find a surrogate father for her infant son Mikey, who comments on proceedings through a wisecracking inner monologue. Mikey is confident the cab driver who helped deliver him is the perfect man for the job - but his mother is less than convinced. Comedy, with John Travolta, Kirstie Alley and the voice of Bruce Willis.

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