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October 13th 2009 by Lucy

**Newsflash** Tinkerbell has stolen Peter Pans wardrobe.

Either Disney has decided Tinkerbell's attire was to 'saucy' or they’ve just decided to make their feminine characters more masculine.

Either way, the new and frankly unimproved uniform and image of Tinkerbell leaves a lot to be desired from the formerly cute minidress clad nymph.  The new image is just plain silly.  It’s not even that different from Peter Pan. They've crazily opted to ditch the cute strapless green dress, the magic wand, and very visible angel wings. And now, there’s this stupid-looking visor/hat contraption.  Disney said it wanted to give “Tink” a tomboyish look.  Um, ok......

Yes, Disney claims that it’s new Tinkerbell release out on end of October takes place in the autumn when weather is cooler, but the weather has never affected Tinkerbell couture before. It’s a cartoon character, not a weather dependent human.

What is going on????????