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January 27th 2011 by Amy

Space Hopper Saves The Day!

While getting our fix of the mags last night, TruffleShuffle came across this amazing story of how a Space Hopper saved the lives of two young girls and we had to share it with you.

The two girls aged 15 and 16 were walking along a sea wall in Dawlish when a freak wave knocked them off and swept them out to sea. Neighbours heard the girls screams and ran to help but when they realised the life bouy wouldn’t reach them, they had to come up with another plan of action. Luckily, another quick thinking neighbour just happened to have a Space Hopper to hand?!! which he was able to throw out to where the girls were trying to stay afloat. With the help of the super space hopper, the girls were able to hold on till the life boat and coast guard rescue teams arrived.

Both girls went on to make a full recovery after their ordeal and will always remember the funny faced, bouncy toy that saved their lives. Get your very own super life saver for just £14.95 at

We know what we are taking with us to the seaside this Summer!