The official home of cool t-shirts, retro gifts & more....

05-24 - Birthday Discount
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March 14th 2011 by Amy

We Need Your Votes!

To celebrate the best in online fashion have just launched their annual Online Fashion Awards for 2011 and we would love your votes and hopefully you would love to vote for us!

It will only take two minutes of your time to nominate as your favourite online retailer. We know how much you love us, you are always telling us how great we are - well, here is your chance to share the love and let the rest of the world know it!

If you would like to nominate us please follow this link:

Nominations will close at midnight 25th March. The 50 entries with the most votes will be passed onto the judging panel, who will be drawing up a shortlist in April. You can vote as many times as you like, nudge nudge, wink wink ;-)

Come on Shufflers, you know what to do...... xoxo