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September 22nd 2011 by Iain

I Feel The Need, The Need For Speed In 3D!!

If wasn't named after the dance Chunk does in The Goonies movie it would probably be called Great Balls Of Fire or something to do with Top Gun! Us Trufflers are huge 80's movies fans and so of course we were massively excited to hear about Top Gun being re-released in 3D.

So Maverick and Goose are getting ready to enter the danger zone once again with the added bonus of 3D. The company responsible for the remake are Legend3D and they have been busy at work converting the film for an early 2012 release however there hasn't been an official announcement by Paramount yet. According to Legend3D's CEO they want to get director Tony Scotts approval first, we do hope he likes it!

Just think - Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Kelly McGillis and the gang in 3 dimension, that fly by scene is going to be A-maz-ing!!

If Top Gun isn't your cup of tea then perhaps you might favour one of the other classic films getting the 3D re-release treatment with the Lion King out now and George Lucas planning to release ALL THE STAR WARS FILMS over the next couple of years!

What do you think? An opportunity to see the iconic film again on the big screen, another staff night out to be planned we think!
