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February 1st 2015 by Iain

Kiai! Exclusive New Karate Kid T-Shirts now in!


Karate Kid has become a real retro icon and quickly earned it's place as an 80s classic. We all know and love those classic lines such as 'wax on, wax off', 'sweep the leg', and 'man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything.' - some of us have even tried that one!

This flick had everything, a real heartthrob of a lead, a great story of a struggling kid with ambitions to finally stand up for himself and of course, some of the coolest moves we all wish we could pull off. We love this film which is why we just HAD to bring out some of our very own and exclusive tees for you guys to snap up...

Don't forget! You can get 20% off these and ALL TruffleShuffle exclusive tees using discount code 'BEEXCLUSIVE' for this weekend only!

Miyagi-Do! If you're a fan of the wise Mr Miyagi, then these awesome Karate Kid t-shirts are a must have. They just don't make movies like they used to! Pay homage in style with this cool vintage print of the master himself!

We all want to be as cool as Daniel, don't we? If you're a fan of the awesome 80s movie, Karate Kid - then these Cobra Kai t-shirts will help you flaunt some retro cool...Cobra Kai never dies!
