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September 23rd 2015 by Iain

A Whole Latte Fun! Our Top Retro Latte Art Designs...

Calling all you coffee fans! Or well....actually even if like us you just like all things retro! During our recent online adventures through cyber space, we've spotted some pretty darn amazing retro designs that not only look amazing, but they look tasty too.

Stumbling across some of the coolest Latte designs we've ever seen, we thought we would pick out some of our very favourite and share them with you lot. We know, we spoil you!

So! Looking to stir up the hidden barista inside us all, check out some of these simply amazing retro inspired designs below.

So there you have them folks! Got any caffeine cravings? Are you creative with you coffee or have you seen some designs to rival these? Let us know by commenting below.
