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May 30th 2017 by Iain

Our Lucky Raccoons Competition Winner Is REVEALED!

That's it folks! It's allll over but hopefully you all had some fun and at least got to check out our amazing interview with Mr Raccoons himself Kevin Gillis!

As some of the biggest The Raccoons fans in the land, we always after some new and exciting designs to call our own which is why we snapped up the chance to create some exclusive new Raccoons TShirts... which is what we've just done!

Inspired by the classic characters we all know and love, our latest comic style designs are some of our best yet and are sure to hit the right mark with any ran of this retro classic. Take a peep!

So what’s it all been for?

To celebrate in true TruffleShuffle style, we thought we could give you guys the chance to bag some amazing Raccoons goodies which we managed to get signed by Kevin just to sweeten the deal.

Up for grabs we had an exclusive TruffleShuffle Raccoons TShirt, season one and season two of the Raccoons on DVD and a helping of Raccoons badges to help decorate you or you home with!

How are our lucky winners chosen?

Our competition was run through Gleam who have collected all the various entries and added them into a big competition hat of sorts. Their nifty system then picks out a winner completely at random! Easy huh.

The Winner!!

We have rummaged through alllll the entries you guys have been busy submitting and can now reveal that the lucky winner of ALLL these amazing goodies IS…

Tracey Pankhurst


We will be contacting you shortly to arrange delivery of your winnings.

Huge thanks again to everyone who entered but weren’t so lucky this time. Stay tuned for plenty more competitions to come either on our blog, Facebook PageTwitter or Instagram.

See you next time!