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May 31st 2023 by Alex

Exclusive New Comedy Classic TV Show T-Shirts For Ultimate Belly Laughs

Those of us lucky enough (if you can say that!) who grew up in an era of just four channels on the telly will undoubtedly be able to recall when the family were glued to the box watching classic sitcoms and laughs were aplenty. Good times!

Inspired by this iconic era of telly where some of the funniest characters, one-liners and scenes in TV history are still adored to this day, and it’s in that spirit that we’ve created an incredible new collection of exclusive TV Show T-Shirts featuring some true comedy classics that are sure to raise a smile!

Featuring some of the best-loved comic characters ever to hit the small screen, add some retro royalty to your collection with our all-new collection of classic comedy T-Shirts available now!

Don't Tell 'Em Your Name Grey T-Shirt

One sitcom that was definitely not short of classic moments and one-liners, from ‘Don’t panic Mr Mainwaring!’ to ‘You stupid boy’, was of course Dad’s Army. Jimmy Perry and David Croft’s much-loved BBC sitcom is still rerun to a loyal audience every week, and we’ve captured the boys of the Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard at their hilarious best on this classic Dad’s Army T-Shirt. Remember one thing when you wear it, though; don’t tell ‘em your name Pike!

Scumbag College Black T-Shirt

In a time before The Inbetweeners, there was another set of much older lads who were behaving very disgracefully on screen. And that was the forever companion and work-shy Compo, Foggy and Clegg, in Last Of The Summer Wine! This gentle comedy favourite and Sunday evening staple, written by Roy Clarke, ran until the early 2010s and always saw the boys getting involved in hare-brained schemes that always went awry. Perfectly capturing their roguish charm and young-at-heart outlook on life, our exclusive Compo Clegg And Foggy White T-Shirt is sure to be one that no fan could resist. Well, except maybe Nora Batty!

Compo Clegg And Foggy White T-Shirt

Still, what was regressive and silly behaviour in the rolling Yorkshire countryside could be considered small fry compared to the anarchic weekly behaviour of The Young Ones. Starring the late Rik Mayall, Ade Edmondson, Alexei Sayle and Nigel Planer, the dysfunctional and rebellious antics of four socially inept students brought alternative comedy to a huge terrestrial audience in the early 1980s. Paying homage to its four most notorious students, our Scumbag College T-Shirt, is an ideal attire for anyone who’s changed the rules of Monopoly because it’s so boring!

Granville Black T-Shirt

It’s not just Del Boy that Sir David Jason made the part his own when it comes to classic sitcoms. Before that, he was also best known for playing Granville, the plucky upstart and constant ray of sunshine that irritated Ronnie Barker’s beleaguered corner shop owner, his uncle Arkwright, in Open All Hours. Our old-school Granville T-Shirt is definitely one for those fans of the show - or who get mistaken for badly dressed Hungarians!

We’re sure, like us, there’s one vintage comedy show you still feel fondly about and laugh at today, even if it’s the twentieth time seeing it, which is why we think you’ll love our exclusive comedy classics T-Shirts collection that you’ll only find at TruffleShuffle.

If you’re after an epic Father’s Day gift that’s sure to make Dads everywhere chuckle, these would be a great surprise that we know they will love!