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May 16th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 99

Maple bacon muffins! is it the weekend again?!

So on a slightly breezy summers afternoon, road tripping along country roads, as the slightest tinge of manure hits the back of your nostrils. Let us be your exceptionally happy family dog, as we hang our floppy-eared dribble tongued head out of the car window for retro movie mayhem, we'll run in circles searching green fields and pastures for cinematic awesomeness before tiring ourselves out from digging holes looking for celluloid wonder. Phew!

Have a happy retro Weekend!


The Princess Bride (1987) 5* 3:10pm-5:10pm (2 hours )

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April 4th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 93

Thar she blows! It can only be the Weekend!

So like a mid eighteenth century Whaling vessel let us be your sea hardened, weather beaten, bearded captain with a stern but fair persona. As we sail hard heartedly across vast oceans of retro movie mayhem, we'll peer one eyed through our brass telescope for the elusive humped back of cinematic greatness before we thrust our long and rusty harpoons into the salty meaty flesh of celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!


Crocodile Dundee (1986) Film4 1:00 pm-2:50 pm (1 hour 50 minutes)

A New York reporter searches the Australian Outback for a maverick hunter with a legendary reputation, and invites the adventurer back to America. But the die-hard Aussie needs to draw on all his survival skills to adjust to life in the urban jungle. Comedy adventure, written by and starring Paul Hogan, with Linda Kozlowski, John Meillon and Mark Blum. Edited for daytime broadcast.

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March 21st 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 91

Slap my knee and stamp my foot it's only the weekend!

Like the busy paper hatted waiter at an American style diner, let us be your hard working hero as we rush around, spinning plates, filling fizzy drinks to the brim and serve up yet even more cinematic greatness until you're fit to burst! Grab your bill and tip well as we you marvel in our classic 80s celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!


The Addams Family (1991) Film4 1:00 pm-2:55 pm (1 hour 55 minutes)

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February 21st 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 88

Wizbits’ magic hat! Is it the Weekend!

So in a not too distant post apocalyptic Earth, let us be your marauding horde of flesh hungry zombies, clumsily ploughing through the debris of a broken and deserted city street. As we go moaningily looking with our good eye for retro movie mayhem, well hobble, limp and drag our half an eaten carcass for cinematic awesomeness before cornering and ripping apart the fresh plump flesh of celluloid wonder.

Gave a happy retro weekend!


A League of Their Own (1992) TCM 3:00pm-5:30pm (2 hours 30 minutes)

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April 26th 2013

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 49!

Skinny Pete and Badger too!  It has to be the Weekend!

So, deep beneath the oceans swell amongst the blue and yellow angel fish who swim merrily among the coral and seaweed, where lies the wreckage of the old Hispaniola. Deep inside lurks a devilishly curious octopus who's made its self at home. Intriguingly let us be your bikini-shell clad mermaid as we search for shiny pearls of movie greatness, look under pebbles for retro cinematic awesomeness and  chase orange and white clown fish for celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend! :-)


Uncle Buck (1989)ITV London 3:35pm-5:30pm (1 hour 55 minutes)

An unreliable but good-natured slob is called upon to look after his trouble-making nephew and nieces while their parents are away - and what starts as a disaster soon changes for the better as the unlikely babysitter gets to grips with the finer points of being a responsible adult. Family comedy, starring John Candy, Macaulay Culkin, Jean Kelly, Gaby Hoffman, Amy Madigan and Laurie Metcalf.

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April 19th 2013

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 54!

Bears in jumpers! Is it the weekend?

So, as the sun descends over the dusty planes of old wild west, where herds of cattle graze freely on the lush vegetation, let us be your band of sun-kissed, dirt covered cowboys as we attempt to drive this cattle train over fields of retro movie greatness, across rivers of mega cinematic awesomeness and through valleys of celluloid amazement. Yeeehaw!

Have a happy retro weekend :-)


Kindergarten Cop (1990)ITV London 3:30pm-5:30pm (2 hours)

A tough detective is forced to pose as a pre-school teacher in a bid to capture a drug dealer whose son is one of the pupils. However, his biggest challenge turns out to be controlling a class full of five-year-olds. Comedy, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Penelope Ann Miller, Linda Hunt, Pamela Reed and Richard Tyson.

Rocky IV (1985)Channel 5 7:40pm-9:30pm (1 hour 50 minutes)

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