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Posts  >  Tag: Atari

January 14th 2011

Atari classic Missile Command comes to the big screen!

News just in on the 80's grapevine that our friends at Atari have teamed up with 20th Century Fox to turn its classic 80's arcade game Missile Command into a feature film.

Missile Command - as it used to be....

If you're not familiar with the cold war arcade classic, it involved protecting a series of vulnerable bases from falling nuclear warheads and apparently Burk Sharpless and Matt Sazama, the screenwriters behind the upcoming Flash Gordon remake, have been hired to pen the script.

Have to say - when I think back to the hours spent playing Missile Command back in the day, I don't ever remember thinking this would make a great movie someday but hey, at least there will be plenty of explosions to get our teeth into.

Two more of the company's games, Asteroids and Rollercoaster Tycoon, have also recently been optioned for the big screen which does make you wonder, is Hollywood starting to run out of fresh ideas and if so, is using arcade games with pretty non-existent plot lines as your starting point really the way to go?

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October 8th 2010

My Turn! My Turn!

Mayhem has set in at Truffle Towers this week as us shufflers scramble for our controllers for some seriously old school, retro, and awesomely classic games. Who cares about growing up?!

Brushing the cobwebs aside from our Nintendo NES, Atari, N 64, Sega Master System and the like, TruffleShuffle is reliving the good old days of our mis-spent childhoods with some finger numbing sessions on everyone’s favourite retro video games. Top of our list, of course, it’s the plucky little Italian we have all come to love, King of retro games....Mario! There is no better way to while away the hours than in the world of Mario and his brother Luigi, ducking and diving, level after level, in evermore risky situations. Mama Mia!!

For those who like us never made it to the end, this is how it should be done:

If you’re as mad on it as us, take a sneaky look into what we are all wearing and rocking to show our love for retro games here
The shufflers were subjected to a little poll and asked for their top 5 retro games. The votes are in, check them out below! Do you agree, have we missed anything? Let us know your comments!!!
1. Super Mario
2. Sonic
3. Paper Boy
4. Lemmings
5. Street Fighter
 Of course, retro games wouldn’t be the same without their iconic ‘stick in your head’ soundtracks. We’ve been scouring the web to find other peoples takes on such classics, here’s one for you guys:
Also, a few interesting, but useless facts for today:Mario was originally known as Jumpman. However, when Nintendo's US office were trying to think of a better name in time for the American release of the game, they were interrupted by their landlord Mario Segale, after whom they christened the character.A Q Score survey in the early nineties revealed that Mario was more recognisable to American children than Mickey Mouse!Have a great weekend!

August 28th 2009

We <3 Lego!!

What can you create with 1500 hours of moving Lego bricks and a camera??

Well, This fantastic 'legomation' for a start!! This video takes you back to all things 8-bit. After watching this we think you'll agree an amazing use of possibly the best toy ever produced. We were blown away with the sheer volume of retro goodies included in this 3.49 minute masterpiece. Everything from Pacman, Mario, Atari, Nintendo NES and more....

Sit back and enjoy....