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July 1st 2011

I'm Batman....

I have come to the conclusion that I was born with a genetic obsession for everything Batman. If I thought I could get away with living in a cave and running round dressed as a giant bat I think I would.

The obsession all started with me running around as a little lad with a coat hanging off the back of my head, singing nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana Batman which back then, was enough to convince me that I too could be a superhero. I blame it on Adam West’s 60’s Batman spoof T.V series which first introduced me to the adventures of the caped crusader! For those of you who don't remember or need a reminder, check out this hilarious vid I found!

I don't remember Batman having such sweet dance moves...... Hypnotic and equally creepy at the same time - he shakes a pretty mean cape I think you’ll agree!

I have to say though that back then, little old me thought Mr West was quite the bada$$ and I was well jealous of all the gadgets and anti- bat this, bat-that even bat thermal underwear and the most awesome Bat-Mobile that ever was, even by today’s standards.

My love for Batman continued throughout my childhood - through all his various incarnations. There have been several Batman’s….um Batmen since Micheael Keaton who stared in Tim Burton’s gothic vision of the Batman! Val Kilmer and even George Cooney also got involved which I actually forgot about (not that I could ever forget Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl - insert pervy groan noise here.) In my humble opinion though, there’s no truer representative to Bob Kane’s original vision of the Dark Knight than Christian Bale who comes the closest to portraying what Batman should be - dark, moody, a loner and a little bit mental. Having seen his parents murdered in front of him and living a life a seclusion, dedicating every waking hour to mastering martial arts and all the while planning vengeance would leave any man a little twisted, even if he is a billionaire. Part justice seeking detective and part nightmare of the underworld - if anything Batman is as screwed up as any of the villains he fights against.

I was also a big fan of the comic series and in my early teens I tried to read every Batman comic I could get my grubby nerdy little mitts on. At the time, a story called Knight fall was the big thing, starring  a super villain called Bane who hatched a plan to break out every insane villain of Arkham Asylum, home of the criminally insane leaving our hero Batman to round up these nut jobs including the Joker and many others until he reached near exhaustion. Anyone else remember it?

Stretched to his mortal limits and being awake nearly 24/7 - Batman finally came face to face with the steroid (well “venom”) induced criminal mastermind Bane and in one epic battle, Bane gained the upper hand and delivered a devastating backbreaker, crippling Batman and leaving him paralyzed. Needless to say it was sad day and the first time ever Batman had actually been beaten - I liked it because  it forced you to stop thinking of Batman as a super hero and realize that at the end of the day, he’s just a man.

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June 24th 2011

Can’t get enough of Junk Foods amazing tees

TruffleShuffle Health Warning.....Junk Food will seriously affect your health.....y addiction to cool retro t-shirts!

Having seen many t-shirts grace the shelves of TruffleShuffle over the years, Junk Food definitely has to be my favourite brand. I originally fell in love with the soft figure hugging t-shirts, however – this romance has been kept alive due to Junk Foods ability to develop as a brand – offer more styles, more awesome designs – on different fabrics.

Recently moving house and downsizing gave me the opportunity to examine my wardrobe – asking my t-shirts random questions like; Have I worn you in the last year? Do you go with everything? Were you an impulse buy? I realised I couldn’t part with any of my Junk Food t-shirts as they all add something unique and quirky to my collection.

Starting with the Ladies Junk Food t-shirts, I thought I would have a closer look at the brand and choose my top 5 designs.

Junk Food are famous for their Super Hero collection and with designs like this – it’s clear why. I love this tee because it’s really fitted, such a nice colour for my summer wardrobe and features a quirky picture of my favourite super hero!

Ladies All American Wonder Woman T-Shirt £24.99

We have recently added some exciting new shapes – including this amazing design from Junk Food. I love this shape as it's really feminine whilst showing my appreciation for Star Wars!

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June 2nd 2011

Cycling Superheroes

Being a keen cyclist I was pedalling my way across the world wide web the other night when I came across some some fantastic illustrations by graphic designer/illustrator/fellow bike fiend Mike Joos.

If like me, you grew up reading comics you'll know some superheroes can fly through the air, some can scale skyscrapers and others can metamorphose into other beings. However, I don't remember them ever resorting to riding bicycles! Joos, has created the funny side of these superheroes with these illustrations in which each character rides a customized bike. What is even more clever is that each of the bicycles is somehow connected to the character that sits on it.

See a selection of our favourite bike-themed Joos pieces below:

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January 14th 2011

The Super'est Auction in the World!

Stop what you're doing, pack an overnight bag, and get yourself on the next flight to the US of A...

The American Superhero Museum, based in Indianapolis,  housed around 1,000 collectables, artefacts, props and costumes from the Superman and Batman TV shows and movies from the 1950's onwards. In 2008, the museum closed without explanation and a 2010 Court Order has demanded that the memorabilia be auctioned on January 22nd, 2011.

Some of our tips for the highest bids are original Superman costumes worn by George Reeves, Christopher Reeves and Dean Cain. We've seen similar originals selling in a memorabilia shop in Las Vegas for between £25,000 and £50,000. One of Helen Slater's original Supergirl costumes is going under the hammer, as is a replica Batboat and Batmobile - brand new replica Batmobiles are currently selling for £100,000.

Superman Auction

So if you've got a few thousand quid burning a hole in your pocket, get yourself to Indianapolis, bid on something fun, and let us know what the cabin crew said when you flew home wearing an original Christopher Reeve £50,000 Superman costume. Alternatively, if you're planning on sailing the Batboat back home, we'll be your First Mate!!

For details of the other items available at the auction, click here. If you fancy a cheaper alternative, pick yourself up a TruffleShuffle Superman Costume and tell everyone it's the real deal, we promise we won't tell a soul!


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